View Full Version : Medication and Heart anxiety

08-03-17, 20:10
I'm curious to hear how many people were helped or hurt by taking an SSRI or an SSNRI for their anxiety. My anxiety revolves almost entirely around my heart and my PVCs. I'm very hesitant to mess with my chemistry as I try to be very organic and unadulterated. However, this anxiety affects every day life (currently) and I'm not sure how much longer I can continue in this state. I know that SSRI's, Beta Blockers and things that help anxiety can also funk with our heart rhythm which seems like a nightmare to me..it's bad enough that it happens organically. If any of you are kind enough to share your story related to this or some advice, I'd be happy to hear it.

09-03-17, 11:33
Personally Prozac saved my life when I was 17 and very obsessed with my heart. The side effects going onto Prozac is lethal well it was for me but it was so worth it. I hadn't had a panic attack or thought of my heart whilst on Prozac. Now I'm sat here with a 24 hour monitor after being off of Prozac for a year and a half so I think I'll be going back on them! Anyhow Prozac was amazing for me, I was only on 20mg and I was like a brand new person didn't worry about my heart at all. But sadly it isn't for everyone so it does depend on how it reacts with you. Even if you just try an ssri and see how you feel it's not going to damage you.

09-03-17, 11:46
Yeah, I get the feeling its a person to person issue. Works great for some, hellish for others. Thanks for taking the time to respond.