View Full Version : Intense anxiety gambling husband

09-03-17, 03:53
I am in a really difficult place right now. I found out about my husband's gambling addiction. Ever since i found out i really haven't been feeling well. I've struggled with health anxiety a lot in my life and now it is really off the roof. My stomach hurts a lot.. And i feel like something is wrong with me all the time. I have a lot of anger... I dont know what to do with it.. Plus physically i'm drained and i'm having all these pains... It freaks me out ... I've never felt so anxious .. I don't know how to deal... I'm trying so hard to forgive and forget but it's just brought me really down... Anyway i just felt the need to talk about it... Cause its really hard to keep to myself... I can't really turn to anyone because my husband is obviously really ashamed so i want to respect him... I just feel alone with all this...

14-03-17, 17:08
it's really no wonder you're feeling so bad physically, I imagine finding out something like this would come as a huge shock and so you're body is reacting in fight or flight mode.
That must be hard wanting to respect your husband's privacy but needing an outlet at the same time. Would couple's counselling be an option?
I hope your husband understands that you need to get emotional support, while this is his issue you also are affected. Keep talking with him, try not to let your anger build up inside. Have you tried writing in a journal? I find that helpful in getting my thoughts out of my head sometimes.
Best wishes

16-03-17, 04:17
Thank you for your response Vicky. It's nice to have someone validate howi feel. Yes writing is definitely something that helps me get through... For now we have decided to see counséors seperatly but couple's counseling is definetly an option if we arent able to find a way to communicate. It's sad... It's exhausting me... And being someone with anxiety is not horrible rightnoe because sooo many thoughts run through my head!! I wish i was stronger but I am giving my 100% to save my marriage and my sanity ,,,