View Full Version : please help me out a few words is all

09-03-17, 05:27
Heart related anxiety. Been having pain in my breastbone for the past hour, with a full sort of feeling that has resulted a bunch of air burps but hasn't completely gone away. Touching the area hurts a lot but my anxiety is telling me it's just because i'm sensitive. I've got a feeling in my chest like a palpatation that just won't turn over, if you've ever had those.

Trying to move and rub the area helps the pain but then it'll come back. I had a horrible day yesterday with three bouts of anxiety attacks that were all heart related because of some persistent jaw pain and now this.

I'm really scared but I've called wolf so many times i'm literally paralyzed with embarrassment and don't wanna call an ambulance unless I'm passing out or can't breathe or something.

09-03-17, 09:11
It sounds like it could be your anxiety, but I am not medically trained. I know it can be hard to tell when something something is serious or not with H/A ( every little thing is a cause for panic) If you are really worried & if its not going away or getting worse I would seek help, maybe call your doctor & see what he thinks? But , I now its hard, try to believe them if they say you are fine xx