View Full Version : Hello

09-03-17, 08:16
Hi there,

Another newbie here. I've stumbled across this site a number of times in the past when I've been desperately Googling - but never taken the time to fully explore it and sign up until now.

I've suffered with anxiety for many years (I had my first panic attack at 14 and I'm 28 now) to varying degrees.

For the most part, I'm able to function pretty well day-to-day because, usually, my anxiety has a very specific trigger: travel. I find it virtually impossible to travel outside of the UK and I can only travel away within the UK under certain circumstances (I'm completely healthy, my husband is with me etc).

I got married last year and I decided I really wanted to finally try tackling it head on. I started CBT in September which has been reasonably helpful. I also tried Sertraline, but stopped taking them after a week (on the advice of my doctor) after experiencing horrendous side-effects.

Unfortunately, shortly after I started my CBT last year, a number of stressful events happened. I lost three family members quite suddenly in the space of three months, including my grandmother who I was very close to. I left the company I had worked at for 6 and a half years to start a new job (this actually should have been a positive thing but after all the other loss I found it very hard to leave my friends there and adjust). I've also been pretty under the weather since December with one virus or another and for me, being ill is a very big stress trigger.

All of this has meant that rather than helping me to conquer my travel anxiety - my CBT has largely turned into a fire-fighting exercise, trying to manage what has now (hopefully temporarily) become a much more generalised anxiety.

All of a sudden I'm struggling to get the train to work, struggling with social events (very unusual for me), struggling with even UK travel, and having a complete meltdown anytime I get a sniffle.

I've just come out the other side of a week of a pretty nasty flu-like virus which has meant I haven't been able to leave the house for several days. 6 days of bed rest was obviously what my body needed but has played complete havoc with my mental health.

Anyway - I'm here now because I'm committed to getting better. I'm finding it very hard to find the strength, but I know that no one is going to save me from this so I need to take back control.

I have wonderful friends and family, but not many that understand anxiety and I feel I already overburden the ones that do (my Dad, namely).

Thank you for this resource - it's brought me a glint of hope during a very dark time.


09-03-17, 08:27
Hiya Amylou0101 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-03-17, 08:29
Hi Amylou0101 welcome aboard to NMP :) Glad you want to tackle your Anxiety problems and you have a very positive mind So I need to take back control :) This is the WTG :) I wish you well on your journey Cheers

09-03-17, 12:04
Hi Amy,

Good to 'meet' you, but sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it. It's great that you've found this site, it's been a godsend for me in dark times and I hope that you will find it as helpful and useful as I have.

Anxiety is a funny beast, isn't it - just that feeling of naked, irrational fear all the time. A horrible thing to experience. But your attitude of 'nobody else is going to save me from this' sounds really positive, and it's great that you are taking steps to tackle it. It's also good that you can identify stressors that have been making you feel rubbish in the months preceding this. Losses and change are big things for us all, we're pre-programmed to resist them, so you know this isn't really coming out of nowhere!

It's great that you have supportive friends and family, and I'm sure they would far rather you spoke to them than held it all in. People do understand that it is an illness like any other, and that you may need support at times. I explained it to my family like diabetes - I will need help sometimes getting through, it may be a waxing-waning lifelong condition - and that comparison seemed useful to them.

Very best of luck and do PM me if you'd like to chat more!

15-03-17, 23:15
Hi Amylou - my goodness you really do sound like me - except I'm nearly twenty years older! The travel anxiety is a terrible affliction and I have always had a massive freak out whenever I have to travel overseas. Not always noticeably to others but I've had to be coaxed onto a few planes before when I have frozen at the gate. I'm going to Mexico next week and I am TERRIFIED! I try not to let it beat me but sometimes i wonder if I should just stay home - I have tried to ask myself if I am scared of what I am leaving or if I am scared about where I am going to - or if it is the journey that I am scared of. And I think it is definitely fear of being away from home. Once you focus on which element is bothering you it is a bit easier to rationalise and try and think around it.

I also suffered really badly when I left my last place of work (that was four years ago and I still have a bit of separation anxiety over leaving my lovely work friends!). I don't think we should ever give ourselves a hard time about missing the good people in life - I think that is perfectly normal and a sign that we are loving caring people who treasure our companions in life. And yes the trigger of losing loved ones is hard to get past - you are right that when they all come at the same time it can be quite overwhelming.

Have you had any blood tests to see if there is something underlying with your health? Some viruses can linger for months and keep bringing you down. Also - I do believe that Anxiety can lower our immune system because its such hard work trying to fight it all the time! This is the time of year for getting recurrent colds too and I have definitely had a few seasons where that has happened for some strange reason. Maybe you will feel better coming into Spring! And the changing of the clocks often helps I think - nice long days and plenty of light to chase away the darkness!!

Big hugs



16-03-17, 20:39
Hello & welcome. I hope you find the site helpful :)