View Full Version : Nail Salon - Hepatitis C?

09-03-17, 09:59
Hi everyone,

I visited a nail salon with my friend (she wanted me to get my nails done with her before her wedding) and we both received pedicures.

I have never been to a nail salon before and won't be going again.
I went to one in a shopping centre here in Australia, that was staffed by Asians that didn't speak English very well. I didn't know what to expect as I had never been to a nail salon before but the guy (who was wearing disposable gloves) filed my toenails and then proceeded to trim my cuticles. He cut one of my cuticles and it started bleeding a bit so he put this blue/green liquid on it to stop the bleeding. He continued with the pedicure and washing my feet in the spa before putting polish on my nails. There wasn't a lot of blood, just a small amount. I have been putting antiseptic cream on my feet since I got home though.

After googling when I got home about the chance of getting infections/diseases from going to a nail salon I realized that there is a chance of transmission of Hepatitis B and C as well as other diseases and infections (not so much HIV I believe).

I'm vaccinated against Hepatitis B but am worried about the possibility of picking up another disease? The salon itself seemed clean enough even though the staff were rude and spoke in their own language to each other most of the time. I have health anxiety and have had a large fear of contracting HIV in the past.

I rang the salon today and asked if they sterilized or disinfected their tools and the lady said no. I said so you don't disinfect/sterilize your tools between patients and she said no. I'm not 100% sure if she really understood me though as he English was very poor. I went back past the nail salon today and I noticed they have a couple of signs in the windows saying "In the interest of patient safety instruments used in this clinic are sterilized in a Runyes steam sterilizer".

I plan to get tested in 6 months for Hep B, C and HIV but just looking for reassurance that even though there is a risk that the risk is low? What percent chance is there do you think that I am ok?

09-03-17, 11:38
I think the chance of Hep C is very unlikely, they still seemed pretty sterile, my sister has had her nails at much worser places I can assure you that x

09-03-17, 13:27
Thanks for your reply! I just get worried because I don't know whether the tools really were sterilised/disinfected or not! I guess that's why we are all here though because of the whole health anxiety issue.

If anyone else has any opinions or experiences I'd also be open to hearing them!

09-03-17, 13:58
You could always go to a place where they use brand new tools for every client. I would watch them opening the little pouches before they would get started. The only thing they seemed to reuse were the clippers and tools to shave down your nails. So I would skip the acrylic for my fingers and do shellac. I would also clip my finger nails and toe nails before going so they wouldn't use the clippers on me.

At a new nail salon that I went to, I honestly don't think they were very clean but I'm not too worried. I'm just never going there again. At most places I've been, I haven't seen them sterilize the tools after every client, so I really got lucky with the one nail salon that uses brand new tools. Too bad we moved.