View Full Version : No way.

09-03-17, 13:10
I am sorry for all these posts but no way is this back pain muscular or muscular skeletal. I saw an osteopath on Monday and it's done nothing to help it. I have been getting a burning type pain today in my back, hurts at the end of my breath sometimes and if i lean forward and breathe it hurts. My shoulder blade aches all day and the top of my arm. I am shattered, sweating and just don't feel well. All this started right after having campylobacter (food poisoning) 6 months ago and the pain hasn't let up even one day.

Catherine S
09-03-17, 13:35
When you had the food poisoning were you vomitting alot? If you were you've more than likely pulled those muscles badly. And damaged muscles would be with you constantly Zippy, every day until it got sorted. The burning is typical of muscular pain too, and if it affects the muscles around your ribs and lungs then you'll also feel the burn when breathing in or out. The pain will radiate to your shoulder and back too. But people are telling you this already on many threads.

You've only had one session with the osteopath and you said in your other thread you've got another session tomorrow (friday) so talk to him about your fears, ask him if he thinks you need to go to hospital again for more tests, because I'm not sure how much we can keep reassuring you about this tbh.

Tell us how you get on with the osteopath.

ISB ☺ x

09-03-17, 13:39
No vomitting it was the other end lol :blush:

Catherine S
09-03-17, 14:03
Well the best thing I think then is to ask the osteopath if he feels it's something more than muscular, and if he suggests you need to go back to the doctor for more tests. I'm always stumped when people say theyve seen the specialist they've been wanting to see, but dont ask the questions the should be asking, then they come back and ask them here! Im not saying that's you, but im not sure what else people can advise you to do really at this point. I think people have run out of suggestions between all your threads on this issue.

So ask the osteopath tomorrow what he recomends you do.
Take care

09-03-17, 14:21
Back pain can be completely debilitating and scary. It's triggered my anxiety more than once. Recently I was working more on my computer than usual and sitting with terrible posture. I started to get a dull aching pain in my chest and left arm, numbness down my arm and into my hand, and a cold sensation that would come on and off. Then one night my daughter woke up with a nightmare around 3am. I woke up, got out of bed, and I was almost totally immobilized by the pain in my back. I covered every inch of my back and I couldn't twist my body even a centimeter without horrible pain. It triggered a major panic attack. I finally got back to sleep and woke up with the same pain. My husband said it was probably a back spasm, but I was so nervous. But, I took Advil and tried my best to rest it all day. I looked up if pinched nerves could result in back spasms (since my rational brain said that the numbness had been a pinched nerve) and I found tons of sites that said exactly that. I got myself calmed down, repeated the Advil through the day, and by nighttime I had almost my whole range of motion back.

09-03-17, 17:26
I have tried co codamol, paracetamol and ibruprofen and nothing helps, hot water bottle doesn't either.

Gary A
09-03-17, 17:30
So what is it then, according to you?

09-03-17, 17:43
I have tried co codamol, paracetamol and ibruprofen and nothing helps, hot water bottle doesn't either.

I tore a muscle in my thigh 3 weeks ago and it is constant pain all the time.

It hurts to sit, lay, drive and I spend all night trying to get in a position that is comfy.

Doctor told me to use a rolling pin on it but that is really painful to do as well.

She said pain-killers won't help and I found that the hot water bottle doesn't either.

If mine doesn't get better soon then I have to get referred for physio.

My point is that there was no point me posting about it on here as no-one on here can suggest anything more than the doctor has and I think the same applies to you.

I just have to get on with it until it heals which could be weeks apparently.

Just some thoughts for you to digest anyway.

09-03-17, 17:53
So...."no way" is this muscular. So what's the point of going back to see the osteopath tomorrow if you know that it's a complete waste of time? If you know it's not muscular then anything he/she advises you to do will be disregarded?

Are you going back to the doctor's to tell him that you are seriously ill with lung disease despite your chest being clear?

09-03-17, 20:29
It is "no way muscular"?

Well okay then. You are probably right. Your doctors are wrong. I agree with pulisa. What point is it to see an osteopath? Complete waste of time. Maybe go and see another doctor. Lots of folks who want UNECESSARY med testing but can't get them becuase doctors see no cause for them, lie and say they feel X. This often gets them those beloved fancy tests. You can try that. Then you will either be able to tell everyone that you knew you were right OR be relieved and see you don't have lung disease (provided you believe the fancy tests). Be aware your relief will be short lived because anxiety is never successfully fought by med testing. Your anxious mind will soon find a new disease for you to worry over.

By the way--- anxiety related aches and pains are never relieved by pains meds for me. That is often how I can tell it is anxiety/stress related.My son either. Many other folks and apparently you.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

10-03-17, 10:14
I have decided to go to the osteopath again today and see what he suggests. I think i don't believe that it's muscular/muscular skeletal because i have suffered with muscular issues before and it wasn't anything like this. This has been everyday for 5 months and getting worse with no let up. Some days it's a burning feeling and somedays it's like toothache in my shoulder blade but it is always there. It doesn't pain at night though which is a bonus.

Gary A
10-03-17, 11:41
So I ask again. What is causing it, according to you?

10-03-17, 14:09
Been to the osteopath and told him i thought it was my lung and he said definitely not something inside and that it's definitely mechanical in nature.

Catherine S
10-03-17, 15:07
That must put your mind at ease knowing it's nothing sinister, now you can focus on unlocking those affected muscles and joints. Do you have another session with the osteopath?


10-03-17, 16:29
Been to the osteopath and told him i thought it was my lung and he said definitely not something inside and that it's definitely mechanical in nature.

So can you move on from this now?

10-03-17, 17:09
Yes i am going to try to now.

10-03-17, 18:08
You really have to now if you truly want to move on and treat your muscular pain appropriately.