View Full Version : I really think I'm going crazy

09-03-17, 14:14
Has anyone else ever felt this way??
I've been stressed before and worried about things but on some level I was holding it together. But this last week or two I just feel that my mind is completely taking over me. I have depression, anxiety and HA and I feel that I can't deal with it anymore. I actually feel like I'm starting to lose it and I'm scared, so bloody scared.
All I want is some bit of normality in my life so I can enjoy it and be there for my children. Lately I feel that they'd be better off without me, I'm so useless.
Has anyone felt this bad before and come out the other side? I can't see a way out anymore and it terrifies me. Is this what the rest of my life will be like??

09-03-17, 15:39
Being a clinical depression and social anxiety sufferer I can assure you it will not be this way forever, it definitely may seem like there is no light right now but there will be especially if you believe there, you don't just magically run out of tunnel, it keeps going until you're out of it. have you managed to talk to anyone about how you're feeling? have you got any support? x

10-03-17, 07:28
Since you know what mental issues you're suffering from, you can begin to recognize how your mind is playing tricks on you.

And the reality is that millions upon millions of people have faced the same problems and have come out the other end, healthy and secure.

Anxiety and depression are difficult and can be debilitating, but in the era of modern medicine, there are proven ways to manage them. As long as you're actively seeking professional help and practicing self-care, there truly is a light at the end of that tunnel.

10-03-17, 09:29
Sorry you are going through this, I feel just the same. I can't stand the constant worry, I can't think straight because me head is so fuzzy with every thing going on in it.
I do get better days though, for me they are not very often, I guess they are just when I feel stronger.
Take care xx

10-03-17, 10:52
I feel the same too. Exactly the same x

10-03-17, 11:22
Thanks for the replies everyone.
And I'm so sorry that some of you are feeling the same way. It just hurts so bad living every day like this
I'm trying so hard to motivate myself to start exercising and eating healthy, but it's sooooo hard. I know if I make these changes, which I have complete control over, it might make a little difference, but the thought of even going for a small walk is horrendous. I'll keep trying but it's like I'm just walking straight into a brick wall :weep:
Anyway I hope you guys start to feel better soon xx