View Full Version : Please help, i am worrying myself to death!!

09-03-17, 14:26
Hello to all,

l am hpoing some of you good folk on here can tell me either l am going bonkers or l have serious health issues. lt started a few weeks backwhen l was experiencing pain in my ankles, joints, arms etc, l then very foolishly went on GOOGLE typed in what l had and you have guessed it ALS/MND!!!

From that day onwards all that l have been doing is constantly on the net looking at symptoms, some how convinced that l have them. l went to my GP who very early was dissmissive and suggested blood tests for thyroid levels ( came back all fine) he then said to stop worrying and STAY of the net and gave me some propranolol. Stupidly my mind was still not convinced and l went back on the net and learnt about Bulbar onset, to which l said l must have ( my tongue was twiching, throat feels funny, and for some reason my speech is being slurred:huh:)

This sent me into overdrive and since then l have constantly been asking people if my speech is funny etc, during this time l went and saw a further 2 GPs who all say l dont have this illness and to get help on my anxiety. l then approched CBT for help and await a appointment, however last week l was really panicking over my speech and tongue, that l had to see a private Neurologist who was very calm and reasuring and said after his clinical exams " YOU DONT HAVE ALS!!" you have worked yourself up so much your body and mind are in overdrive.

l felt good over the weekend, but again the doubts are back, l am forever noticing that my speech is getting funny and always aware bout my tongue and mouth.

Guys is it fair to say that 4 GPs and a experienced Neurologist could not find anything wrong, or is my bloody anxiety that much that l am still not convinced? l mean 2 weeks ago l was fine however now l have lost weight and cant even take my mind of this!! l mean what else reassurance can l need???

Guys please help me out:weep:

09-03-17, 14:41
Hey there Pity...

If you've been reading the boards, then you know just how deep the rabbit hole is with ALS fears. In many ways, it puts other fears to shame in what it does to the individual.

Your question at the end of your post illustrates this perfectly. 4 GPs and a experienced Neurologist could not find anything wrong yet you still question it. Would hearing from strangers on an internet forum truly convince you when the medical professionals cannot? Again, reading other ALS threads you know the answer to that. We could have 15 pages saying you don't have it but it won't really help :(

Your anxiety has you wrapped up in lies and deception and professional help would be the best course of action so you can be released from it's grip on you. In the mean time, stay off Google and under no circumstances visit or post on the ALS forums!

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

09-03-17, 14:52
l can totally understand what you are saying, its just the fact that all of a sudden why am l so hypervigilant on my tongue and speech? it seems the more l try harder the worse it becomes!!

This ALS rabbit hole as people describe is absolutley awful, all l wanted to know was why my ankles were hurting me:yahoo:

But l have to keep reminding what the Neurologist said to me on Tuesday " YOU DONT HAVE THIS, STAY AWAY FROM THE NET AND JUST RELAX!!!"

He was that convinced he said dont waste your money on EMG test!!!

Need to snap out of this!!!!:doh: