View Full Version : Off to ENT dr today

23-04-07, 12:23
Please wish me luck, ive had ear probs now since january and they are getting worse. My GP just gives me a spray and says it will drain soon, its cathar in my ears or something and its really painful and full of pressure. It is getting me down and I cannot take the pressure/pain feeling much longer.

Its stopping me from nuckling down and doing my studies because I always feel like crap.

I am very nervous but please wish me luck that all is ok and he will totally reassure me over my meningitis fears (ear probs/sinus probs are linked to it you see).

23-04-07, 12:25
Hi Cherry

Good luck for today hun, i hope things get sorted then you can move on!:)


23-04-07, 12:33
Hello cherry, good luck for today, lets hope you can get it sorted, let us know how it went.:bighug:

23-04-07, 12:53
Good luck today cherry. xx

23-04-07, 20:03
He read up about last yr, I told him i get the ear pressure and pain every other day and it swaps sides so he noted I had sinusitis in February and asked what symptoms I had when I had it, told him and he then took a look up my nose, said they were fine. He looked in ears, both are normal and he said perfect. He then did an ear pressure test, put a electric thing in my ear which vibrated and it was normal in both ears.

He said because the ear pressure test was ok there are no problems. He said both ears look healthy and he is not concerend at all. He said that he still thinks I have neuralgia as i get the pains in my face/cheek and i told him it runs down my arm and leg of the side its hurting. He said my dr should of taken the neuralgia diagnosis seriously which he did not, he dissmissed it last time id seen the ENT dr. He did not look amused:winks:

I then said 'so im not at risk of anything then?' he then said 'do you mean meningitis? because you asked about this last time' i told him it was my concern because id done my internet reading and he laughed, said the internet is not for medical research and to not worry because ive no infections. So I take it its just linked with ear infections.

I do feel abit better for going, he said to see my GP to get the steroid spray as ive run out at the weekend, he said that should help. He thinks coz ive had sinusitis this year its just taking a while to settle, my linings are sensitive or something. He said its no different to breaking a bone, it takes months for it to feel completly better.

So the pains im getting at the moment I take it are not sinus pressure and pain after all. If the pressure test was fine then surely im ok and should stop freting. Just wish this discomfort would go.

Thank you all for your support.:yesyes:

23-04-07, 20:09
Glad your mind seems to have been put at rest Cherry.

23-04-07, 20:51

Glad it went well for you today.