View Full Version : Now 8 weeks in and doing ok. :)

09-03-17, 18:14
Hi guys.

I thought I'd just come in and do a quick update as most people tend to stop posting when they feel a little better.

I've now 8 weeks in on Citalopram 10mg. My first time on antidepressants at the age of 37.

FAir to say I really struggled with the side effects in the first 10-14 days. It was awful, but I'm glad I stuck with it.

My anxiety hasn't gone away but it's much more manageable. My appetite is back, I'm sleeping better, and although I'm still off of work I'm coping much better day-to-day. Unfortunately I have a lot of health issues which are now more prevalent.

But I wanted to give people who are new to Citalopram some hope. I suffered badly with the side effects but in the grand scheme that 2 weeks was worth it.

My GP is planning to up my dose to 20mg in a couple of weeks (we have delayed this due to other meds I'm taking) and I'm nervous about the side effects coming back but hopefully it'll be ok.

09-03-17, 20:56
My GP is planning to up my dose to 20mg in a couple of weeks (we have delayed this due to other meds I'm taking) and I'm nervous about the side effects coming back but hopefully it'll be ok.

Side-effects tend to be less severe after dose increases than they were at the beginning, however, instead of jumping straight to 20mg consider taking only 15mg for the first 7-10 days - you should get your GP's okay before doing this, and may need a pill-cutter. They are more accurate than knives and a lot less bloody, ime.

12-03-17, 20:25
Hi there. Your journey sounds like mine. Prescriped these at 10mg last year at the age of 44 due to work. Was on 10mg for 6 weeks then dose up to 20mg. Terrible side effects for 2 weeks. Took 12 weeks to really kick in. I am much better than I was. Not 100% and continue to have a very stressful job.