View Full Version : The sleep anxiety cycle I'm scared

10-03-17, 05:54
Okay was I write this it's 5:43 am

I went to bed at 1 and fell asleep at 2am and woke up just before 5 am

It's happened 3 nights in a row yesterday I tried to go back to sleep till and kept waking up around 8 and 9 am after only 30 minutes nap amazingly I fell sleep shortly after until mid day when I was woke up by a delivery

I stayed awake up until 5 pm where I napped until 7 pm as my anxiety and head was too much for me to handle

My sleep pattern for last 4 weeks has been late night till afternoon so I decided to change that habit but due to sleeping through alarms or waking up then needing a nap my sleep has been 5am till 10am then nap in the day so I have felt more and more tired over the last couple of weeks due to it

My sleep is terrible because I'm trying change my sleep pattern but instead of doing it in one night I kept napping for 2 weeks which has not resulted in me sleeping 2-3 hours a time

And to be perfectly honest I'm scared? After I woke up today I tried to go back to sleep and couldn't so I went to the toilet as some people do in the morning and all I could do was sit there with butterflies and shaking my nerves are terrible and nothing feels right and I don't feel myself I just wanna sleep normal again and sleep normal hours now I'm so obsessed with sleeping and how long I slept that all I do is worry and stress over the time and do I need a nap to help with anxiety

Or do I need do this and this etc

I can't cope anymore I just wanna cry it's nearly 6 am by the time I finished writing this and I don't think I can last the whole day on this little sleep when my anxiety is this bad if my anxiety wasn't this bad I most likely be able to fight it and sleep tonight with no naps and hope it resets my sleep schedule

I don't know what to do I'm scared I'm not getting enough sleep etc and I can't try and sleep again tonight till for example 9 am as my butterflies and nerves and feeling to be sick is too much at the moment