View Full Version : rib tender to touch

10-03-17, 12:36
Has anyone had this. Have worried for a while about upper back pain between spine shoulderblade. Dr said burstitis it will go. Has not yet. Had ct of chest just 4 months before all clear and had pain a bit then. Have now noticed a rib is tender when pressed on. It is the top of the rib I think where muscles join. So i have pushed and poked to see if it is tissue or bone. I am now even sorer and dont know whether it is my rib or me pushing. Terrified I have cancer of the rib. Suffer very bad health anxiety. Just wondered whether it is fairly normal for ribs to be a bit tender, would help to know

10-03-17, 12:37
I have the same to. Is it on both sides? On the stomach and on the back?

10-03-17, 14:03
Mine is on right towards the bottom ribs not on stomach

11-03-17, 01:57
Everytime I relapse into my dreadful panic disorder I have such painful ribs to touch. I think personally pains have a lot to do with anxiety as I've experienced every symptom in the book that could indicate something more sinister. I've stood my ground with most of them, not gone for medical advice and ended fine. The only one I've followed up has been my chest pain so if you are really worried about it chase it up and demand you get yourself looked at for your peace of mind. It's very likely anxiety, just keep your mind off it and keep yourself calm. If your pain goes like mine does in between relapses you know it's anxiety/panic.

11-03-17, 02:24
And here I thought this was a thread about grilling ribs... silly me :)

Poking and prodding ribs on the grill can help determine tenderness but the human body?... best to avoid doing that, especially with bursitis. I suggest some bar-b-que sauce... errr I mean an OTC pain reliever and refraining from poking and prodding and the issue will go away....

Positive thoughts