View Full Version : Fainting from Hunger???????

10-03-17, 20:42
I forgot to eat breakfast this morning but when I got to work I ate enough. But when I was walking I was thinking of how little I ate and suddenly the ground swayed under me. I have been going through a really anxious time lately and was wondering if anxiety alone can cause that. It was terrifying. It was like I was tumbling forward for a few seconds. I have a terrible fear of not eating and I don't know if my skipping breakfast and eating later than usual could have caused that to happen. I am terrified of getting up and walking around now because that it might happen again.... Also, how long until a person faints from not eating? That is one of my worst fears.....

10-03-17, 21:07
If your blood sugar is low it can cause dizzy or fainting spells. Anxiety alone can also do that. Everyone's body is different, but always try to keep a snack on you, like an apple or orange, to avoid blood sugar not being too low! (:

11-03-17, 12:14
Have you having any problems with eating at the moment? or did you just forget breakfast?
The anxiety about not eating alone can definitely cause it but low blood sugar can also cause dizzy spells x