View Full Version : Alcohol Induced Atrial Fibrillation

10-03-17, 22:26
Hi everyone - it's been a long time since I've posted and unfortunately the anxiety is still here.

About 2 months ago I ended up in A&E after a night of very heavy drinking. That night I consumed nearly a 10 glass of vodka and vomited. As I threw up, my heart went into an abnormal rhythm (Atrial Fibrillation)

I have a history (about six years) of heavy drinking, two years of which I spent drinking half a bottle plus of vodka a night. (Thankfully liver is in great shape, although livers that defy medical science run in my family haha)

I had an Echo scan and 24 hr heart monitor which were normal (thank God). Consultant said it was alcohol induced, take a break from alcohol for a month and I should be fine. I've drank since then, although not as heavily as before, and I've switched to beer.

Has anyone else had this? Did it recur? Apparently this type of AF will not recur with abstinence, but recurs in 1 in 5 people within one year with continued heavy binges.

It's also called "Holiday Heart Syndrome". I'm only 23. I also work in a Pharmacy at an NHS hospital and the majority of the patients Rx I've seen with Atrial Fibrillation are all 70+!

10-03-17, 22:39
Hi everyone - it's been a long time since I've posted and unfortunately the anxiety is still here.

About 2 months ago I ended up in A&E after a night of very heavy drinking. That night I consumed nearly a 10 glass of vodka and vomited. As I threw up, my heart went into an abnormal rhythm (Atrial Fibrillation)

I have a history (about six years) of heavy drinking, two years of which I spent drinking half a bottle plus of vodka a night. (Thankfully liver is in great shape, although livers that defy medical science run in my family haha)

I had an Echo scan and 24 hr heart monitor which were normal (thank God). Consultant said it was alcohol induced, take a break from alcohol for a month and I should be fine. I've drank since then, although not as heavily as before, and I've switched to beer.

Has anyone else had this? Did it recur? Apparently this type of AF will not recur with abstinence, but recurs in 1 in 5 people within one year with continued heavy binges.

It's also called "Holiday Heart Syndrome". I'm only 23. I also work in a Pharmacy at an NHS hospital and the majority of the patients Rx I've seen with Atrial Fibrillation are all 70+! Hi Can I ask do you think you have a problem with alcohol? as for the anxiety are you receiving any help/therapy for this? The liver is a really good organ that can recover very well even after a lot of drinking :) Personally my self if my consultant had said the tests had come back normal I would have done my best to make changes in my life style! Cheers

11-03-17, 01:15
Apparently this type of AF will not recur with abstinence, but recurs in 1 in 5 people within one year with continued heavy binges.

Seems like abstaining from alcohol would solve the problem. Pretty simple is you ask me :emot-nod:

Positive thoughts

11-03-17, 11:11
Seems like abstaining from alcohol would solve the problem. Pretty simple is you ask me :emot-nod:

Positive thoughtsSo True Fishmanpa, but if the OP has a addiction to alcohol then it's not easy to give up I have been there my self with other addictions and had to seek help which I did and the help really did make a difference :) Cheers

26-06-17, 08:59
I had the exact same thing happen to me! It happened 7 months ago when I was 20 after two nights of heavy drinking! Frankly, the event scared the shit out of me and I have been having extreme anxiety ever since with numerous EKGs, blood tests, chest x-rays, echo and a 48hr holter monitor! I am gonna do a stress test next as I still do not feel right after it but after reading this I am sure that it is just anxiety. I have not drank spirits ever since but I still feel my body acting up when I drink just a little :(

26-06-17, 10:28
Hi everyone - it's been a long time since I've posted and unfortunately the anxiety is still here.

About 2 months ago I ended up in A&E after a night of very heavy drinking. That night I consumed nearly a 10 glass of vodka and vomited. As I threw up, my heart went into an abnormal rhythm (Atrial Fibrillation)

I have a history (about six years) of heavy drinking, two years of which I spent drinking half a bottle plus of vodka a night. (Thankfully liver is in great shape, although livers that defy medical science run in my family haha)

I had an Echo scan and 24 hr heart monitor which were normal (thank God). Consultant said it was alcohol induced, take a break from alcohol for a month and I should be fine. I've drank since then, although not as heavily as before, and I've switched to beer.

Has anyone else had this? Did it recur? Apparently this type of AF will not recur with abstinence, but recurs in 1 in 5 people within one year with continued heavy binges.

It's also called "Holiday Heart Syndrome". I'm only 23. I also work in a Pharmacy at an NHS hospital and the majority of the patients Rx I've seen with Atrial Fibrillation are all 70+!
When i used to be that bad, to knock myself out i would drink a full bottle of vodka down in 1. after 1 fateful night ended up the hospital with pancreatitis had 6 hour op to first remove my gall bladder and to repair my bile trak, funny enough my liver was perfect too.:shades: