View Full Version : Blood clots are back?... or are they?

10-03-17, 23:03
I have posted about this several times, I always feel better using this site, I hadn't been on in a long time. does anyone else fear the clot like I do? I have had this issue for Five years now, I one day got so fixed on it I made my doctor give me every test known to man... I was fine and now I have the fear again...

About a month ago I noticed that behind my knee was slightly enlarged, no pain, no redness, no anything other than it being a bit bigger, figured it was a muscle, I cried wold so many times a few years ago i used reason on this one, A month later nothing has changed and it never went down, My lower back has been tight as have both my legs but just the one enlarges behind the knee, I called the Doc and they schedules me a week out but told me if any pain, redness, warmth starts to go to urgent care... my appointment is next wednesday and I need some calming down, I cant tell if I fell things are worse because my anxiety or if the new upper back pain and arm ache I have is due to an oncoming cold or PE cause that of course where my brain goes...Does anyone else have this constant fear? I keep getting hot and cold thinking about it. The pain in Both my shoulders to the swelling has sent me back to where I was Five years ago.. Le Sigh

11-03-17, 01:24
Blood clots are always a big one for me when my anxiety is bad. I'm sure the back and shoulder pain is almost certainly from the anxiety. Any time mine is ramped up I get horrible back, neck, and shoulder pain, and numbness and cold sensations in my arm and hand from all the tension in my body. This also further triggers my anxiety, so I feel your pain.

I had a friend who had a blood clot from a certain brand of birth control (she got like $80,000 in a class action suit!) and her symptoms were unmistakable. She could barely walk on her leg and her knee had swelled to twice its size. With health anxiety we are always waiting for something to happen, wondering if we're missing something... but when you're truly ill or have a real emergency you know it. You aren't sitting around wondering about it.

11-03-17, 12:09
I agree with Erin, my sister had a blood clot once and boy did she know about it!
there's always a difference between intense anxiety and something actually being wrong and trust me when something is your logical side of the brain will take over and get you straight to A and E :)

11-03-17, 12:19
With health anxiety we are always waiting for something to happen, wondering if we're missing something... but when you're truly ill or have a real emergency you know it. You aren't sitting around wondering about it.

This might be one of the most pertinent and useful things I have read on this forum. So true.