View Full Version : In a low stage

11-03-17, 11:31
I'm struggling a little at the mo. ... I just feel super down and always contantly anxious. I'm snapping at people I wouldnever snap at, I hardley ever snap at anyone... my mood is always low and I'm just tired!

I'm struggling with my heart palpitations again, my heart just feels weird, I keep having vertigo and other weird symptoms. I'm just worried about it all again I guess... I'm usually good at keeping my emotions in check but over the past week anxiety has deffo out me right down.... I used to suffer from depression and i hope that it's not coming back, as it's just another thing i can't be dealing with right now. I have no one around me who I can talk to about this, they just aren't interested they just tell me to get over it..... well id love to if it was actually that easy!!!!!!

11-03-17, 11:55
Have you ever gotten any kind of help for support for it? its really sucky when people don't understand so I'm sorry about that x