View Full Version : Bloody Stool

11-03-17, 20:14
Hi folks,

This is my first time dealing with any kind of severe anxiety over a medical symptom and I'm having a really tough time with it.

I'm a 28 year old male experiencing a pretty significant amount of bright red blood streaked down the side of my stool and on the toilet paper, going on 4 days straight. Went to a gastroenterologist on day 2, who did an exam and said that I definitely have some hemmorhoids, but they don't "look too bad" and he can't be sure that they're the source of the bleeding, as they didn't appear to be bleeding when he did the exam. I'm scheduled for blood work this week and my first ever colonoscopy at the end of the month.

I'm already a complete wreck worrying about the possibility of cancer. Can't sleep or focus on anything, and I don't know how I'm going to get through an entire month of this before the test, especially if the symptoms don't clear up. I guess I came here looking for some reassurance. It's so hard not to see the search results for this kind of stuff and get scared.

11-03-17, 21:06
It definitely sounds like hemmorhoids. What other symptoms are you having?

11-03-17, 21:16
Just the blood, I think. Of course, you start to connect every little thing you never really noticed before once you get nervous lol. I've dropped some weight in the past few months, but I also started kickboxing three times a week, soooo... ya know.

There was a little bit of pain on the way out with the first stool on the day this all started, which could be coincidence, but I'm hoping it's indicative of something like hemorrhoids or a fissure being the culprit. I just really wish I got more of a definitive answer from the doctor after he did the exam. Should I call on Monday and see if they can maybe do the scope sooner? I'm not sure why they scheduled it all the way at the end of this month.

16-03-17, 14:03
You could always ring and ask to be considered if any cancellations-I did this with both my Ultrasound and Ct Scan.
I managed to get seen 1 week earlier with the Ultrasound and 2 weeks with the CT so its worth a try.
The waiting IS the worse.

16-03-17, 14:56
Sounds like Hemorrhoids. I dealt with the same thing you are. For 2 weeks I was a wreck because I felt a few bumps in my anal canal and had light dots of blood on toilet paper but never in stool... So I went to see a doctor and she said she didn't feel anything that concerned her when she did the rectal exam. She at my age anal C is so unlikely and the fact it isn't in my family and that I don't have HPV she said i'm fine so she gave me some cream for the hemorrhoids and the itching. She also did a stool test and it showed no blood, she said cancer is a dark red blood, almost brown even... I hope you find peace because this is a horrible fear... but I'm sure your fine.

25-04-17, 22:51
I have similar bloody stool. Doctor didn't give me a colonoscopy. He said the chance of getting cancer is really rare in my age. But I am worried too.

28-04-17, 23:49

From your description it sounds like the blood was clearly separate from the stool - it was not mixed in? This would indicate a source very close to your anus - e.g. haemorrhoid or fissure.

It's very reassuring that your GI did a DRE and found nothing except the 'roids.

Don't panic or worry for your colonoscopy - you'll be given a sedative like Midazolam and shouldn't have any discomfort at all.

The only piece of advice I will add is:

1. When you take the bowel prep laxative, stay close to a toilet!

All the best - you'll be fine :)