View Full Version : my panic attacks are back

23-04-07, 19:10

I'me so worried i think my panic attacks have come back to stay. I have had four this last week one which lasted an hour and scared me so much.
Last friday night was awful. I was going away to my Aunties for a few days so i had to be up early to catch a train yet i was pacing the floor panicking and didn't get to sleep till 1 o'clock then i was up at 5.30. Told hubby i don't think i can go but i did. Managed two trains without panicking. Felt really anxious while i was there. On the Tuesday we went out for lunch which was quite a way away and even before i got in the car i was worrying about panicking. We were were on a dual carriageway and i started to panic really bad. Didn't tell anyone the whole time. When we got there the restaurant hadn't opened yet so we had to wait 10 minutes and i resisted the urge to get out of the car. When we did get out i told my Auntie how as was feeling and wasn't sure if i could go in. But i did and managed to enjoy my meal. Then we went to Tutbury Castle and i managed to enjoy that to.
Came home on Wednesday and managed the trains ok again. On Friday went shopping with hubby and panicked while i was driving there. But i managed to get my shopping done and by the time i got done was feeling ok. Then Saturday decided to go to B&Q. Panicked again driving the car, was shaking like a leaf in the shop. Managed to drive home without panicking. Now i'me starting to worry about being in the car but later that day went to get some petrol and i was ok. Saturday night had the worst P/A ever, it seemed to go on and on and it's really shaken me up and knocked my confidence. Should have been going back to work this week but i've phoned in sick. I know feel scared to go out on my own or drive my car. What am i gonna do, feel so down. Sorry its a long post but i just wanted to get it out. I suppose there are some positives there but i'me so worried. I don't want to be like this.
Just need some reassurance and some hugs if anyones got any going spare.
Thanks for listening.

23-04-07, 19:50
Hi Tracey...
"Out of all negatives, comes positives"
You should be so proud of yourself, all those things you managed to do despite feeling crappy. You deserve a medal.
I would have run at the first sign of a PA yet you carried on regardless...

Sarah x

23-04-07, 21:52
Hi Tracey.

You said 'managed to' five times and an 'ok' in your post, after each negative! I think that is worthy of noting don't you? :yesyes:We don't always see what others see until it's pointed out to us - which is why I counted up the "managed to's" !

I agree with Sarah, for each time you had an 'episode' you 'managed to' cope - and that's fantastic :flowers:

OK, so you've got one more 'managed to' to go after Saturday night. Take this time to rest and take encouragement from your friends here - there are no quick fixes I know, but we're all with you on this.


23-04-07, 22:08
Hi Tracey

You did so well even though you felt so awful you carried on:yesyes: . You proved to yourself that you can do it! My advice is to keep driving, because you have had the panic you are now expecting it to happen again,i can understand how you must feel because i have the same issues with my driving too. I find listening to music or relaxation tapes while in the car helps, its just a matter of building your confidence up and proving to your self that the thoughts you are having wont hurt you.

You can do it Tracey, keep at it my friend and you will win !

Heres some hugs for you too!


24-04-07, 14:07

Thanks for your support everyone. I've never worried about going out before so this has knocked me for six. But i can go out and i can drive my car because i've proved i can. I just need to stop thinking about it and just do it!! Thanks for what you have all said it has made me feel better.


24-04-07, 14:56
Hi rosebud :hugs: wow hun you did so well:yesyes: to carry on regardless is the way forward hun..as for the driving dont give in to the 'what if's':lac: put your fave music on and go drive tyour car..it is one of my no no's too,so put FOOTLOOSE on the cd player and just go for it:D big praise for doing soooo well.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

24-04-07, 19:13
Hi Paddington

Thanks for that. You must be pyschic, footloose is one of my favourite songs:D


24-04-07, 22:27

Sometimes we fall back into bad habits once we think we are "safe and cured".

I know I did.

The diet and exercise lessened. I stopped the relaxation CD's and the time-out to do the correct breathing.

Start all these things back up again and you will get back on track.

See it is a blip and not a setback.

Change your routine and see if that helps - maybe you are stuck in a rut?

24-04-07, 22:37
You know I totally agree with that Nic - we really do tend let things drop when we feel we are ok and the whole point of panic and anxiety is that it is telling us to tweak our lifestyle abit cos what we are doing or the way we are living doesn't suit us!!

A sensible plan when dealing with anxiety is not just for Christmas!!!

Piglet :flowers:

25-04-07, 19:05
Thanks Nic and Piglet.
I think your right Nic.
I think i let things slide and haven't been taking proper care of myself and silly me thought i could get away with it:wacko: .
Having real problems with my breathing, overbreathing constantly which is making me panic. It's bloody awful. Got appointment at docs next week, feel i need some help.
