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12-03-17, 04:12
I don't know anything about this site I am female 33 years old and I am epileptic I have had epilepsy since I was five years old I have been put on several different kinds of medications. I also take medication for depression. I have a slipped disc in my back and curvature of the spine which I take medications for. I have never been to a psychiatrist before I fear cockroaches, bees, spiders, fire ants, the dark, lightning my seizures being alone waking up having one. Losing members in my family by death afraid of dying myself I would prefer my last words be I love you having a seizure which I don't come out of and die

12-03-17, 04:33
Hiya Kassidy92283 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

12-03-17, 14:44
Good morning Kassidy92283. I hate seeing someone so young having to go through the situation that you are. My hope is like myself that you can find some help and encouragement here at NMP.

Fear is a strong emotion that can save you, but it can also rob you of so much. The best thing I can say as a non-professional but fellow sufferer is, ask yourself how rational or justified are my fears? In doing that I have found that some of my fears are totally unjustified and usually fade go away. I know I'm giving a five second answer to a life long problem, but check it out and see what you discover.

Best to you Kassidy92283 on your journey, and remember you have friends here.

15-03-17, 22:22
Hi Kassidy - I have recently become a lot more philosophical about the fears we have about things like bees, spiders, the dark, lightning etc. I firmly believe that these are very primitive instincts that would have saved us all back in the cave age. Of course humans would have been wary about anything which could sting us or hurt us, kill us or conceal things from us. Mother Nature is very good at instilling a healthy fear within us - we need it for survival. In these modern times we are expected to use our knowledge and rational to rule out certain things as being risky or to know that we have nothing to worry about - but knowing that something is unlikely to hurt us or kill us is not always enough to rid ourselves of basic instincts. Just allow yourself to be afraid of these things and keep telling yourself that it is an ancient instinct but, just like fduop says, also try and rationalise them a bit and ask yourself what the real likelihood is.

When it comes to fear of losing loved ones then yes I am truly sympathetic as I suffer badly with that myself - VERY badly! IT is my first waking thought and makes for a very wearing start to each day. Now I try and concentrate on showering all my loved ones with kindness and love instead of using up my mental energy on fears. I also find that the more friends and family you have around you the more resilient you feel. Its a battle but there are often little mental exercises which help.

I've only recently started to share the true extent of my anxiety and now I am doing a blog on it. It is very liberating to tell people about it a bit more and really helpful because there are SO many of us out there! It always helps to remember that none of us are alone with this even though it may feel like it sometimes!

Big hugs xxxxx