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View Full Version : Does anyone get high anxiety that feels like the verge of a fit?

12-03-17, 06:40
When I have high anxiety (that doesn't become a panic attack) I get some weird sensations that increase and decrease in intensity until I'm back in my "safe place." This feeling happens most in grocery stores, enclosed shopping malls, and sitting down at restaurants.

It's like a jittery feeling in the side of my face like my jaw is going to start shaking and I'm going to go into a fit. Nobody notices any thing looking at me, but inside I'm just about to lose it. Then I get incredible pressure behind my eyes and I can't adequately explain it other than there's a very intense feeling that I'm on the verge of 'something.' When I'm in this state, I'm super sensitive to my environment for example i get a jolt if someone moves a chair or puts a fork on a plate. If I concentrate on breathing slow and even, it will ease up but it can just keep coming back until I'm out of there. It happens when I have to stay where I am and can't leave. It's not a full blown panic attack, it's like shaking a bottle up but never actually opening it. It doesn't peak. And feeling like the jaw is going to start shaking but actually isn't, isn't described as a panic symptom so it worries me.

Can anyone relate to any of this? I definitely get that "I want to get out of here right now!" feeling so I guess it's fight or flight and adrenaline but it really feels horrible. Thanks for reading :)

12-03-17, 18:01
I can't say that the high anxiety that I've experienced feels like the verge of a fit. But a few months ago, I was suffering from intense anxiety and it felt like it would last forever. Every morning was a struggle because I would wake up with a fast heart-rate and racing thoughts. I feel like my anxiety magnified my thoughts.

13-03-17, 06:06
I've had this when things were really bad. Felt like my brain was going to explode or my body was going to just flip out and jerk everywhere. It was worse when driving and very scary. I'd lose vision too! I think anxiety can do some crazy hings to your body and create all sorts of unpleasant sensations.

14-03-17, 00:34
Absolutely, my most recent panic attack started because of sensations in my left side which caused uncontrollable shaking. I stood up and immediately had a full blown panic attack which felt like I was having a seizure, I couldn't move any of my limbs. Anxiety causes all kinds of weird sensations, I think of it as its way of getting our attention and boy does it try hard to get our attention!

14-03-17, 20:48
Can anyone relate to any of this? I definitely get that "I want to get out of here right now!" feeling so I guess it's fight or flight and adrenaline but it really feels horrible. Thanks for reading :)

I sure can relate! I think everyone's physical symptoms of anxiety differ and are very personal, but this sounds a bit like dissociation, weirdly enough.

Regardless of the label, lots of us can relate and feel for you!