View Full Version : Need help real fast!!!

12-03-17, 09:41
Morning guys,

Is it a coincidence or would it be very bad luck if you were to look at a illness, see it's symptoms and then suddenly start to experience them? I only ask as I have gone down the ALS rabbit hole and quite simply l have now become so paranoid about my speech and mouth and tongue movements, that in a space of 3 weeks l am finding that I think I am slurring words.

Now it must be said that I speak 2 languages and it's my second language which has become a bit funny, no one has said anything to me, only after I have mentioned about this has someone said I am sometimes getting stuck on words.

Speaking English is fine but in my mind it feels sometimes words are being said funnily, I have been cleared by 2 Neurologists who said l don't have any clinical issues.

My question is then am I so hypervigilant about my speech, tongue, mouth and throat movements that I am now looking at justifying the symptoms? I mean can anxiety do this in the space of a few weeks? Before looking at bulbar onset l would never have known, and it feels like when I really think about it, I get all tensed up in my throat, under my tongue and speech is then bad, basically I'm scared to talk nowadays as I am hearing and listening to what I'm saying. Guys am l worrying myself to death? :scared15:

12-03-17, 11:17
Yes it certainly can do that, if I sit down long enough and think about choking I can actually feel my throat start to get tighter, you don't have ALS you've even been cleared by professionals, you'll be fine your mind is just overreacting and causing symptoms x

All the best :hugs:

12-03-17, 12:21
Thanks for that, this has to be the biggest battle l am facing right now, it would seem any body changes and there l am again thinking is this ALS related, it's the apparent speech and tongue business that is really bugging me, because now I am convinced of my slurred speech it seems l am always looking at it :weep:

12-03-17, 12:57
Hi pity4me, yes it can absolutely make you do that. When I had my ALS fear I too started to worry I was slurring, and got my partner to check I wasn't on an infuriating number of occasions. Speaking two languages as well, you can make yourself paranoid about that. From the fact that you say 'the ALS rabbit hole', I think your higher mind is perfectly aware that you are suffering from health anxiety - try and tune into that voice! Good luck x

12-03-17, 13:26
Thanks for your words, same here I'm driving family and friends crazy by saying am I slurring!! Because it's now fixed in my mind l suppose what ever comes out of my mouth I'm always going to be extra vigilant, hence the nervousness and speech, I wish I never went on the bloody net!!

12-03-17, 13:42
I know the feeling! Did you know they're bringing back the original Nokia candy-bar style phones without WiFi connectivity? Seriously considering getting one!

14-03-17, 00:48
Definitely! What doesn't help is when you start to feel anxious that you might have a serious condition, which makes you more sensitive to changes or looking out for the tiniest thing that will lead you to the diagnosis you're looking for!

The more you worry and think that your speech is slurred, the more likely you will be to slur and in turn, the more likely it will make you anxious...which could make you slur or stumble your words. It's a vicious cycle!

A lot of the things we health anxiety sufferers worry about are automatic processes in the body. We're not used to noticing them, so to us it's strange! The minute you start to focus on it, that's when you start worrying about whether or not it's normal.

I'm sure you'll be fine, this is just a blip that you can absolutely overcome! If it's really got you feeling anxious, just have a chat to your doctor about it and put your trust in them because they are a lot more qualified than me! :D

You can beat this, wishing you the best!

14-03-17, 00:58
Read THIS! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=196071)

Positive thoughts