View Full Version : Health anxiety over bulbar

12-03-17, 10:40
Morning guys,

Probably not the first and won't be the last on this subject, but can anxiety make you feel and believe that you are experiencing symptoms such as slurred speech, tongue spasms, very hypervigilant about your body? I ask as I was feeling fine a few weeks ago then Google and have learnt everything there is to know about ALS, now convinced l have it despite being told no, is my mind that screwed up? :weep:

12-03-17, 11:37
Mind is a powerful tool, if used together with google, can be dangerous too, so keep away from google and only positive thoughts ��

12-03-17, 12:34
Yes it can!

12-03-17, 12:39
Yup. You might find this helpful: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=42556
I did when I was going through my ALS phase.

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ----------

Just re-read that and didn't mean it to sound mean - just that I think many of us on here have had the ALS worry for a while, so you're in good company! Didn't mean to compare the frightening experience of health anxiety to a 'phase', though. :)

12-03-17, 12:59
Even in my mind l keep saying your fine, if l never went on the Internet l would never have known majority of the symptoms, I mean a very experienced Neurologist said no to me, the real scare is the fact l learnt about the slurred speech and guess what it started when I researched it. I need to address the anxiety.

12-03-17, 13:40
I think you're absolutely correct. My partner always says I'm like a 'sponge' - as soon as I absorb information about an illness, I start showing signs of that illness. I think that's very common for anxiety sufferers, so you've put your finger on an important point there. Maybe worth a trip to the doctor to discuss the anxiety? There's lots of help available for that!