View Full Version : I don't know what to do

12-03-17, 19:00
I really feel like I'm at rock bottom tonight.

My anxiety had been ok, manageable, for a while but the last few weeks I've really struggled. I went to speak to my dr last week and told her I'm struggling with anxiety and she's told me to see how I feel in a couple of weeks and go back if I don't feel any better.

2 weeks ago I had awful chest pains that I'm now sure were indigestion I called 111 I guess for some reassurance but got totally the opposite the nurse I spoke to suggested an ambulance and an ecg as my pulse rate was 100 (went up to 120 after I spoke to her) I told her I didn't need them as I was feeling ok (glass of milk cured the indigestion) and my heart rate went down within an hour. The next day I started to notice every twitch and pain in my chest and that's how I've been since.

I spoke to my dr who said she has no conserns blood pressure was 118/80 and heart rate 86bpm she had a good feel around my chest, ribs and back and said my muscles were super tense so this is what's probably causing my issues.

A month ago I transferred to a different store so I'm finding it hard working with so many new people and working really hard trying to prove that I was worth my boss wanting me there. I've noticed the pain I get is worse when I'm at work it's like a band of pain sometimes in by back, shoulders and chest but never in the same place, sorry it's hard to explain. I only get it when I'm feeling stressed. I work for Screwfix so it's quite a physical job bending and lifting but I get no pain when doing that. Surely if I had anything wrong with my heart I would have trouble lifting?

I had a fantastic day yesterday walking to the park and trying to teach my daughter to ride her bike but today I'm back to that feeling of dread and as much as I love my job I don't think being there is helping me. I woke up this morning with such a sore upper back I could hardly move every day I wake up with some sort of stiffness or cracking in my back/ribs could this be tension?

I'm 31, female, hardly drink alcohol, don't smoke and am a but overweight and terrified somethings wrong with my heart and I'm going to leave my beautiful daughter and family. I know my dr said she has no conserns, my heart and lungs sound fine but what if I didn't explain how I'm feeling to her properly? I've been on the verge of tears all day I just don't know what to do.

In January last year I was convinced I had liver cancer and was given sertraline which seemed to help maybe I need to take this again?

I'm sorry for the long post and going on about things I've mentioned before

12-03-17, 19:15
In January last year I was convinced I had liver cancer and was given sertraline which seemed to help maybe I need to take this again?

Yeah... certainly worth a try. Your brain is in overdrive and the meds will give you a brake and enable you to rationalize much better.

Positive thoughts