View Full Version : Really bad flare up

13-03-17, 02:05
Hello all,

I'll start of by saying it's really warming to be in a community where people want to listen and are going through what you're going through. I feel so alone most of the time.

So this sounds ridiculous, but I have an ongoing thought I'm suffering from ovarian cancer (I'm sorry if this offends anyone, I'm just so tired of holding this in) . It would be rare for me at 22, but is still possible. I just awoke from my sleep with a sore throat and I immediately thought something is wrong with my lymph nodes, as in they're swollen because the disease has advanced.

I'm not sure if my tummy is bloated, I can lie on it with no pain, but I have increased flatulence, pooping/burping. That's a sign if bloatedness right? Overall there isn't any pain in my tummy, Ive probably had a few ovulation pains, not anything significant though. Maybe a bit of gassy pain here and there. I mention this as it is a key symptom of ovarian cancer.

I'm very gassy, gas is moving up to my chest. Is this a sign of bloatedness? I also had very regular bowel movements about three days ago, which lasted for around a day or two. Sorry to be graphic, but I had a poop each day back then, which isn't normal for me. Bowel movements are okay now, as in stools are soft. Last bowel movement required a little strain, but was fine once out. Sorry for this, I know how this can sound.

I'll admit, I have the sniffles a bit, and a little bit of a headache. And family members are a little congested, so I think something is going around.

I had an abdominal scan on my ovaries in January, because I didn't do an internal scan I'm scared I might have missed something. It seems like everyone is saying abdominal scans are not as effective for a diagnosis as internal pelvic exams. I can't face up to the fact something may have slipped the radar in the abdominal ultrasound. Are they effective at picking up tumours? Maybe a little tumor that wasn't picked up on the scan can advance pretty fast?

I have been diagnosed with health anxiety by a medical professional, but I just want to make sure that this is a bad flare up and not me actually suffering from ovarian cancer.

Thank you so much for any advice you give, I have no one else right now.

13-03-17, 08:40
It will be your anxiety, you did have some tests and everything was ok...

Though I know what you are going through, last week I had my blood checked, everything was just fine, I thought it would be such a relief, but now I am checking my poo too much (gross I know) and think I have bowel cancer because often I can find red things in my poo...