View Full Version : In A Real Predicament Help!!!

23-04-07, 19:48
I've mentioned this before but Its now decisson time here and I really need some help from people who understand just how bad panic attacks / GAD can be.

My wife was due yesterday, so its a waiting game at the min, shes ready to go anytime, Ever since she told me she was pregnant I have been a bag of nerves. I really don't want to go because of my GAD and panic attacks, Having our first child which was supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life was a living nightmare, Panic attack upon panic attack, add to that I fainted twice, I swore I'd never be back in there again, infact I still have flash backs from that night:weep: Maybe PTSD??

My problems have now got worse in that our local hospital has closed and I ave a trip down a motor way which is my biggest fear.

I asked other for advice but they don't understant Anxiety, all I get is pull yourself together man, or the child needs a father it already has a mother:blush: I really can't help it. All breathing exercises go out the window in situations like this, I really do not know what to do.

I can't drive anyway so it would be her mother taking her to the hospital, and the old saying 3's a crowd could never be more true, She would be more worried about me than having a baby. What the hell do I do??

23-04-07, 20:02
Does your wife know how you feel? Maybe if you explain just how bad you're feeling she might behappy to go along with her Mum to save you from getting so anxious. Even if breathing does go out of the window, keep at it and feel your tummy going up and down. You will be ok, you just think you won't. Try putting an elastic band around your wrist and every time you have a negative thought, snap the band and it will give you a little shock - when you snap the band say 'STOP' in your head, count backwards from 30 and then picture something really peaceful. Your mind should calm down and will automatically start to think of other things.

Hope this helps!:D

23-04-07, 20:06
Does your wife know how you feel? Maybe if you explain just how bad you're feeling she might behappy to go along with her Mum to save you from getting so anxious. Even if breathing does go out of the window, keep at it and feel your tummy going up and down. You will be ok, you just think you won't. Try putting an elastic band around your wrist and every time you have a negative thought, snap the band and it will give you a little shock - when you snap the band say 'STOP' in your head, count backwards from 30 and then picture something really peaceful. Your mind should calm down and will automatically start to think of other things.

Hope this helps!:D

I told her this evening, she wasn't impressed, I can understand that, until you've suffered from anxiety you can't imagine how horrible it can be. I'd rather have lost a leg or something than suffer this horrible illness.

She hasn't even thought about who's going to look after our other child, thats where I come in I hope!!

23-04-07, 20:15
She's probably anxious herself, she's got a lot to go through and will want you with her. I can understand her being upset but I also understand how you feel too. You could maybe go to the hospital at the last minute when baby is just about to arrive rather than going for a long time. Take a paper bag and some rescue remedy with you and pop to the loo for a breather when you need it.

Ask your wife if she can suggest a compromise that you'll both be happy with. I think your bad experince from last time might be putting you off......you know what to expect this time so it might not be as bad when you get there. There'll be plenty of docs and nurses around if you feel ill. :hugs: