View Full Version : Shivering/being outside in the cold helps panic attacks?

13-03-17, 04:28
Hey guys,
I suffer from panic disorder and lately I've had a bad relapse (been getting better averaging a panic attack a week most of them aren't as intense as the one I had tonight). My panic attack physical symptoms have always been absolutely ridiculous, I feel dizzy, I get chest pain and I get a sinking feeling in my chest which leads me to believe something is wrong with my heart then my heart beats faster than anything in existence. I also shiver. Now, when this happens it's out of the blue, I had one tonight and what strangely comforts me is the cold. I'm posting here to find out if the cold helps with anyone else's it's almost like my cold shivers outweigh my anxiety ones. It definitely doesn't stop the attack but it feels comforting, it slows my heart down and makes me feel better. I was inside jittery going mental over my heart thinking I was on deaths door. I went outside the cold made me shiver and it improved me. I came inside left my partner to sleep, lay with music and apart from a few pains I calmed down a lot. It took me about 2 and a half hours in total to come down which is what i average for severe ones. Has anyone else ever tried 'the cold trick' and why does it make me feel better I've never understood it. PS I've come to accept that these attacks have to be panic (at last) otherwise I wouldn't be able to calm it down like that.

13-03-17, 04:36
Hey..i've never done this myself but ive heard so many times that cold showers or spashing cold water on your face is good... Especially during high periods of stress! So i'm assuming you are doing something that is good when you go outside in the cold... Plus you said it helps you, makes you feel better and able to calm down... Its great that you've found something that works for you...i would leep doing this if yoi feel like its the best way to get through your panic attacks

Clydesdale Epona
13-03-17, 11:39
I'm pretty sure the cold trick works because it brings our body temperature down as adrenaline raises it up, plus your brain has to focus on staying warm and doesn't pay as much attention to the panic. its like putting water on a a very high flame to control it x
I haven't tried it as I'm hyposensitive to the cold but I presume it would work well, I'm glad you've found something that helps :)

All the best :hugs:

14-03-17, 12:06
This definitely helps me too, I always want to stand outside when I feel panicky. If I wake up feeling anxious I will often open the window wide, even in winter, to help me calm down before I get out of bed. Yesterday evening I had a really bad panic attack and I stood at the kitchen door eating an ice lolly while my boyfriend stood shivering in the kitchen wondering how on earth this would be helping me. He suggested running me a relaxing bath but I couldn't think of anything worse just then than sitting in hot water in a steamy room! I often find, even if I can't stand somewhere cold, eating an ice lolly or drinking cold water helps me as well, as does cold water on my face. I don't know if its to do with forcing yourself to focus on the present, and something outside yourself (although if that were the case, presumably warmth would help as well) that makes it help.

14-03-17, 15:40
It's strange what panic can do to us and the things that can relieve it! My boyfriend has no idea how to handle me when I'm like that and luckily I've only got him to call an ambulance the once!

16-03-17, 11:36
I agree with the cold. I feel when I get like that I have to go outside and sometimes walk. Seems to calm it down a bit.