View Full Version : Convinced once again I have tonsil cancer

13-03-17, 12:41
My left tonsil is massive, and I mean reaches the middle of my throat massive. Its not red or inflamed looking, other than being big it looks fairly normal.

I first noticed perhaps back in 2010 and have worried on and off about it since. I saw a GP all those years ago and they explained the whole we aren't symmetrical thing and for a while I felt reassured.

I was looking at my mouth last night ahead of a dentist appointment and feel it has got even bigger than before and changed shape a big near the top. I used to be able to see a nodule like lump on it and I no longer can.

I asked the dentist and hygienist about it today and they both admitted it was a lot bigger than the other side (which is in itself not small!) but that it didn't look sinister on the surface e.g. not red or ulcerated - but I've read so much about tonsil cancer and it seems it doesn't have to have these features. They advised me to see my GP if really worried as they said they couldn't really say a 100% there is nothing wrong as they can't see whats happening inside!

I have called my doc and have an appointment for next Tuesday - the next available one. I just can't stop looking at it and reading stuff about how people who did have cancer only had the symptom of one tonsil bigger than the other, and it didn't have other symptoms such as a sore throat, sore ear, swollen neck etc

The only reassurance I cling to is that if it has been getting bigger since 2010, even if its slow growing wouldn't I have more symptoms by now.... but then I think perhaps it is just really really slow growing and its only becoming advanced now!

I want to cry as I know even my GP won't be able to say 100% there is nothing wrong with the tonsil just by looking will they, and I know they will probs want an ENT to do a biopsy or CT scan. I'm just so afraid I'm going to be told its cancer and very advanced.....

Gary A
13-03-17, 14:16
Tonsilar cancer is actually just another form of lymphoma, as the tonsils are part of the lymphatic system. After 7 years, you'd most likely be dead, and if not dead then seriously ill.

Just like your lymph nodes, your tonsils are never the same as the other, and some people do really just have bigger tonsils.

I would be surprised if your GP referred you to ENT for biopsy, as tonsil cancer is so incredibly rare that most doctors will never come across a case of it in their entire careers. That and the fact it has been enlarged for such a lengthy time period with no other suggestive symptoms.

13-03-17, 15:59
Yes, the thought that I would surely be much sicker by now is comforting! I just hate all the stories online of people with asymmetric tonsils as their only symptom, they were reassured loads by docs and then it turned out to be cancer - I know I shouldn't google

13-03-17, 16:10
I had a tonsillectomy when I was 18. A few years ago, I yawned while driving home and I noticed swollen tissue in the back of my throat, near where a tonsil would be. I was a smoker at the time, and knowing that my tonsils were out, I was sure it was some kind of throat cancer. I was miserable, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep I was sure it was something serious. I'm one of those that avoids the doctor rather than go in, but after a few days I sucked it up and went in. He took a look, said he didn't think it was anything, but he referred me to an ENT. ENT examined my throat and told me it was simply a scrap of tonsilar tissue that was missed in the original procedure. In fact, I had strep throat, which is what caused the swelling in the first place.

So all of that is to say, even when you are 100% sure it's serious, it probably ain't.

13-03-17, 16:19
I agree with the other poster. Don't worry! See your doctor and I'm sure you will be fine. Don't google.

13-03-17, 16:34
Convinced "once again" I have tonsil cancer

The title of this thread is the actual answer and all the reassurance needed to put this to rest. How many times have you been convinced of this as well as other things and been right?

Positive thoughts

13-03-17, 17:21
Thanks for replying everyone, I'm trying to think positively, the voice in my head is just nagging away though saying what if I was right years ago when I first noticed the asymmetry and I've let so much time go by without pushing it x

Gary A
13-03-17, 17:31
Thanks for replying everyone, I'm trying to think positively, the voice in my head is just nagging away though saying what if I was right years ago when I first noticed the asymmetry and I've let so much time go by without pushing it x

Yes, but you should then apply the logic that you'd be seriously ill or actually dead after such a lengthy period of time.

The voice in your head will always try to shout these things, apply a little logic and tell it to shut the hell up.

Catherine S
13-03-17, 18:35
And I'd really like to know how Orthogonal could see the back of his throat while yawning and driving :huh:


13-03-17, 18:47
And I'd really like to know how Orthogonal could see the back of his throat while yawning and driving :huh:


Don't worry, I was stopped in traffic at the time.

13-03-17, 20:17
The only people posting online about enlarged tonsils that turned out to be cancer are the ones with those bad, but rare, outcomes. All the - way, way more - people with asymmetrical tonsils who either never noticed them, worried about them, or did see a doctor and were told it was nothing and it was nothing, are not posting about it. This is why google is the enemy!! It's just like how millions of planes take off and land, but people are afraid of flying because the only flights you read about in the news are crashes.

13-03-17, 22:58
I have one tonsil much larger than the other, and it always has been.
I never worried overly about this until I googled it and read that it may be a sign of tonsil cancer.
However, I read several scientific studies on pubmed, and most of them indicated that it is usually NOT tonsil cancer.
In one study- from India, i believe- they removed the tonsils of 38 adults who had asymmetrical tonsils, and after biopsying them they determined that not one of the subjects had tonsil cancer.
Apparently it's just normal anatomy in some individuals.
If yours doesn't hurt and isn't red and ulcerated, I would doubt it is cancerous.
I notice that I get throat infections more often in the side with the larger tonsil.
Maybe that side has always been more prone to infections, and that's why the tonsil is enlarged.
Try not to worry too much.


14-03-17, 10:38
Thanks for the replies, yeah I guess you're right the only people who would post anywhere about having one tonsil bigger than another and it being cancer is because it turned out for the worst, when people would be less likely to post or follow up every time it is nothing....

I like the sound of studies where they have removed lots of tonsils showing most unilateral tonsils turned out to be nothing (although of course I could be the 1% lol...)

If I get a cold I do tend to get a sore throat on that side, so maybe it is just a hypersensitive tonsil which has taken a battering in the past....

20-03-17, 12:52
Docs appointment is tomorrow, getting scared again now! It looks so big whenever I look in my mouth...... I would be terrified to have my tonsils out....