View Full Version : Mirtizipine not working on my sleep :(

13-03-17, 14:24
Was put on mirtizipine on 20th feb 15mg for mainly my sleep it only worked for a couple of nights. Upted it to 30mg i take both so it makes the 45mg. Now it dont work at all. Its concerning me now that im not getting eough sleep. This has been going on since jan all i want is a good night sleep. Have to go to the docs wednesday for a review. Has anyone else experienced this. Need advice 😭

13-03-17, 14:54
Hi Lin,

Sorry to hear about your sleep problems. A good night's sleep is so important.

Although mirtazapine helps many people with their sleep, a number of people have reported that it doesn't affect their sleep. Some people quickly develop tolerance to the antihistamine effect that promotes sleep - this can be why it stops working after a time.

Are your sleep problems related to anxiety? If so, the other effects of mirtazapine on serotonin may kick in and help you sleep, but take a few weeks, so don't give up just yet. Good luck.

13-03-17, 15:37
Dont know whats causing my lack of sleep. I had a build up of ear wax in jan that started this it made me freak out which bought on anxiety/panic attacks. Havent slept properly since. Dont know if its just the slight tinnitus i have thats causing my sleep problem. Anxiety that i have had in the past hasnt affected my sleep at all.

13-03-17, 23:05
Hi there

I've recently had my dose increased to 30mg and whereas I slept fine on 15mg I found that 30mg caused sleep issues. If you read the threads on here you'll see that a lot of people find mirtazapine is more activating at higher doses. At the advice of another NMP member I split my tablet into quarters with a pill cutter last night and took a quarter (so 7.5mg) at bed time and then the rest (22.5mg) this morning. I slept much better last night and no adverse effects from taking the meds this morning so I'm going to stick with this for now.If I have to increase to 45mg I will do the same.

You could always try over the counter sleep aids such as Nytol or Phenergan to help in the short term. Although mirt can make you sleepy, there's no issue with taking a sleep aid (I checked with my GP and the pharmacist) but make sure you don't buy herbal ones as these can interact with ADs.

Hope you manage to get some sleep soon :closedeyes: