View Full Version : Feeling terrible.

23-04-07, 22:27
I am currently experiencing all day anxiety/panic feelings.
My mother has gone to Spain and its at times like these when i realise how alone and unliked i really am. The only way i can leave the house is by going with my mother and i usually go out a couple of times a week. But while she's away, i don't do anywhere.
I'm panicking like anything because tomorrow i will be on my own with no one to talk to and no one to call if i feel really bad. My husband will leave for work at 5.30am and will be home at 11pm and because of the kind of work he does i can't call him and he can't call me, not that he's any help if i do feel bad. I don't feel like i can totally trust him at the moment (because of the way he treats me).
I am in a right mess.


Brandy snap
23-04-07, 23:21
Hang in there Sarah. I know how it feels. Could you go into Chat if you feel bad? There is usually someone there. Also, No Panic (booklet) have a Helpline. I'll look up the number for you. Take care. Brandy Snap xx

23-04-07, 23:29

I can understand where you are coming from, and I think it's important that you make little strides towards overcoming this. I live alone and often find I need to speak or text people, but I have to be strong and resist sometimes, otherwise I will seem a burden and risk losing them!

Have you sought the help of an Occupational Therapist on the NHS?

She would encourage you to be less reliant on your mum and partner, so you could get on with your daily life more independently.

Do you have a garden you can tend to? I know it's so hard, but make an effort to step up a "distraction activity" gradually.

Please push for as much help as you can, and chase up the mental health people if you feel you need them more urgently.
