View Full Version : Firm, painless, immovable mass on neck

13-03-17, 21:28
I am a 25 year-old male in good physical shape. I've been dealing with an anxiety disorder and associated physical symptoms for most of my life. I am currently in therapy but have been having a particularly bad bout of hypochondria recently.

It all started in January when I decided to take a new job and move 1500 miles away from home. Understandably this created a lot of stress in my life which made many of the physical symptoms I had been dealing with worse. At the beginning of February, just days before I was scheduled to leave, I came down with a pretty nasty cold. This caused drainage, coughing, and a strange prickle/itch sensation that occasionally hits a random point on my body. I wouldn't have thought much of all this but during my travels I discovered a small lump on the side of my neck. As the title suggests, it is firm, painless, and immovable. It is also strangely shaped - wider than it is tall, almost like an enlarged vein that runs across the width of my sternocleidomastoid muscle just below my mastoid bone.

Of course I looked up "itching + lump" and everything suggests lymphoma, especially if the lump is painless and doesn't move. I suppose the good news is that it hasn't grown at all. I saw an ENT last week and they seemed sort of puzzled by what the lump was. I was referred for an ultrasound and the results were unremarkable - just one clinically insignificant lymph node (<1cm). They wouldn't even be able to biopsy it if I wanted.

While my cold has gotten better the prickle/itch sensation has continued. So the question is: why do I have this small mass on the side of my neck? The timing of the cold, itching, and lump make me wonder if they are all due to stress and the big move. The specialist mentioned something about my stress levels allowing the virus to stay active in my system. Regardless the anxiety over all this has made me a nervous wreck and I've had very little time to enjoy my new job and surroundings.

13-03-17, 23:06
If an ultrasound was done in that area, and nothing was found, why worry?

I have weird lumps in my neck that all ended up being veins or muscles. I freaked too. Some were quite prominent.

14-03-17, 00:57
Hi there

Honestly I don't think you've got anything to worry about. It's normal to have all kinds of bumps and lumps around your neck area, you just don't find them until you're actually looking for them and some of them you have to poke around really hard to find (Don't do that, you don't want them to become permanently swollen)

Lymph node swelling is one of the things health anxiety sufferers tend to get all worked up about, but i've yet to talk to anyone who actually had something sinister be the cause for it.

You had a pretty bad cold, that alone is enough to cause it to be swollen for a good period of time.

Don't touch it and before you know it, it'll be gone!

Take care! :)