View Full Version : new to this- syptoms

23-04-07, 23:14
Hi everyone. I am really just looking for some support and advice. I have finally recently accepted that the syptoms i am currently suffering from are in fact panic attacks and not, as i thought for months, an impending heart issue.
I am only 19, am a keen and fit sportsman, and don't smoke. Like any 19 year old student I do binge drink on occasion but not to any kind of serious alcohol related problem! However, in the past the symptons have been very severe after a heavy drinking session, and I think the first panic attack i had was after drinking too much. The symptons have since gone on to occur far more regularly than my drinking, and became almost a daily occurence.
The syptoms i have suffered have been continuous chest pains, chest tightness, palpitations, tingling in my left arm, impending fear of death, etc etc etc. I went back and forward to my doctor and also ended up in hospital on at least 3 occasions. I have had a heart echo(although it was a year ago now), numerous ecg's, blood tests, chest x-rays, and just about everything else that can be done!
It has now got to the point were I am not really doing any overly physical excercise such as playing football or going long runs, when this really was what my life revolved around before. My symptons have been a lot better since i started to accept that it could well be panic attacks, but i still cannot seem to shake off the 'what if' at the back of my mind, and it is this that is preventing me from getting back into my old routine! i just wondered if anyone else has had similar syptoms and how they have dealt with them?! any help would be greatfully received.

24-04-07, 02:50
Try and get cognitive training or pick up a copy of the book we used in my group by sam obitz for beginers. It is short and easy and author struggled with anxiety, panic and depression and told his story of overcoming it with cognitive training which was very encouraging. With cbt it truly is up to you if you succeed or not and your efforts determine how much success you have and how fast you achieve your goals. It is very socratic. It teaches you how to stop worrying about the 'what ifs' etc by catching your thinking errors that cause attacks and replacing those thoughts with more accurate and less upseting thoughts. The sooner you dive into it and face your fears the sooner you will start feeling better.

24-04-07, 19:03

And welcome to NMP, its lovely too see you here, i hope we can be of help.:)
Take a look at the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages that are situatted at the left hand side of this page, theres lots of great information to help also.:)


24-04-07, 22:32
Hi NBS and welcome

All typical anxiety symptoms I agree.

Hope you feel very welcome here.

25-04-07, 18:49
Hello NBS !
Now that you've accpeted that your symptoms are panic your're half way there ! Most important to remember is that panic attacks are NOT life threatening - they may be horrible and frightening but they cannot kill you.
Try to maintain your sports - the exercise is truly beneficial to help you cope with panic. Cut out the booze - it only makes panic symptoms worse ! Read all the info on this site because you will see that you have all the classic symptoms which can be cured. Take time to relax (without drink) and
Be Kind To Yourself !!

27-04-07, 09:51
hi nbs, I had exactly same symptoms as you started with a panic attack after heavy night out, been to er twice, have had to give up surfing and now panic attacks happening for no reason, off to see counsillor on tues so will let you know what happens, as for exercise i still do a bit just not as intense as before i know i will beat this its just a struggle coming to terms with it. Keep focused on the positive things in your life i found yoga and breathing exercises useful

29-04-07, 10:04
cheers for all the advice guys. still been having the panic attacks but in the rational part of my head i at least no what it is now. seeing a counsellor too now, hopefully tht will start to make a difference in time. got a holiday to go on in 2months, target is to have it beaten by then! also officially on a dry spell from the drink! will let everyone know how im getting on, thanks again

21-05-07, 16:39
I hope your counsellor uses cbt exercises with you. Let us know how things are going for you now?