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View Full Version : Mole biopsy scared waiting for results

14-03-17, 04:23
Hi all,

I've been battling with HA for a little over a year now. My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer and ever since then I've had the "C" phobia. This past Thursday I went to the dermatologist for a check-up. I go once a year. He decided to remove a very tiny mole. It looked fairly new although not 100% sure how long it had been there. It was darker than my others he said it didn't really look like my other moles. He said its tiny 1.5mm . My doctor told me twice to please not lose sleep over this, but I have been in a panic or anxiety state on and off for the past 5 days. I convinced myself that I must have a melanoma that would surely spread like wildfire.

Catastrophic thoughts! These are not healthy , I know.

I start seeing a therapist tomorrow. Trying to get a hold on this HA. Also went in for a regular check-up today and everything seemed fine.

Some moments I worry, others I am ok. I have been trying to stay away from Dr. Google. This has really thrown me off the past few days. Support and insights appreciated. :flowers:

14-03-17, 11:12
I wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like it was for piece of mind. The doctor seemed comforting. Trust me, if doctors sense something up they aren't that comforting.

Be careful posting in other people's threads. Posting in mine triggered a little anxiety in me because I try to avoid threads that are mole related. No worries though.

14-03-17, 14:05
Agreed. I've just been through all of this (seriously, the last two weeks). Even if something comes up in it, fairly certain the worse you'll have is maybe a little extra skin cut out to be safe. I think it will be fine. They just work on the "ugly duckling" rule, meaning if there is a mole that doesn't look like the rest, or stands out, they remove it. It's really just a safety precaution. I really wouldn't worry. But do let us know when you hear back.

16-03-17, 05:41
Mole came back mildly atypical, so no further treatment needed. Hooray.

Now feeling relieved and happy , no more anxiety

17-03-17, 20:15
Aw yay! Good news!!

18-03-17, 00:04
Mole came back mildly atypical, so no further treatment needed. Hooray.

Now feeling relieved and happy , no more anxiety

Great news! I'll bet you're so relieved. :yesyes: