View Full Version : Eating WAY too much sugar- could I die?

14-03-17, 04:47
Hi, there!
I'm in college and also I have a tendency to binge eat and I have been eating WAY TOO MUCH sugar for the last two to four weeks. I have gained 5lbs and this is fine because I am pretty slender (went from 125 to 130 lbs and I am 5'8) but I am worried I might die! Today I had a bowl of ice cream, a mini chocolate bar, a clif bar, a chocolate croissant, and a lollipop for sweets. I have eaten cookies and cake for the last 2-4 weeks, just about every day. I truly do need to stop. Do you guys think I could suddenly die because of this? I am worried I might die tonight! Going to work on reducing my sugar intake A LOT! Thank you, everybody

14-03-17, 04:55
You might be having sugar high anxiety. At least that's what I call it when I do similar.
Try to remind yourself to eat a balanced diet. And it wouldn't hurt to get tested to see how you are doing.

You'd be throwing up and in a very poor state that you wouldn't question about going to the hospital. If your system was in a very high sugar state. It happened to a relative of mine.

Clydesdale Epona
14-03-17, 12:17
It is highly unlikely, kids ate a bunch of sugar and they're still alive! I'm pretty bad with sugar myself and trying to cut it down so I understand x like Hypomean said you'd know if something was wrong x

All the best :hugs:

14-03-17, 13:52
I'm 28 and until just over 2 weeks ago I was eating a minimum of 600 calories of sweets, cakes, biscuits, each and every day since my school days, not including any drinks I had. So at least 13 years of it. I don't believe it can directly kill you (assuming you don't have diabetes or the likes, in which case I have no idea).

I have more cavities than most though even though I clean my teeth (twice) and floss each day, so there's that potential problem in the future. The only reason I can think of for having so many cavities is sugar (and dry mouth). So it might be helpful to ease up on the sugar if only for your teeths sake.

14-03-17, 18:49
As a nutritional science student this is something we look at in great detail.

You will not just suddenly die from eating too much sugar.

Remember that any carbohydrate you eat, whether it's a polysaccharide (complex carb like whole grains) or monosaccharide (cabs of a simpler structure like sucrose and fructose for example), ALL eventually break down into the same thing, which is glucose.

The health implications with refined foods like cakes, white breads etc is that over the long term they can spike your insulin too often and to too great a degree that it causes insulin resistance.
We're talking generally people who have eaten way too many calories and too much refined foods for years, though.
These people tend to be very overweight.

My point is that you can't just suddently die from consuming too much refined sugar. That just isn't the way it works.
You're certainly not alone in eating absolute rubbish at university, either - I'd say the majority of people do.

However, you did mention that you have a tendency to binge eat. While you certainly won't drop dead from doing this, adopting a healthier diet is in order a.) to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to grow, and b.) for your mental well being.
I'd advise looking up CBT therapy, as this is the way both mild eating disorders such as frequent binging AND health anxiety are curbed.

Good luck!

14-03-17, 19:06
Eating WAY too much sugar- could I die?

Certainly consuming excessive amounts of sugar in one sitting can cause you to feel ill, it's not something that can be fatal like alcohol poisoning.

That being said, long term high sugar consumption can and does cause long term issues that can be very detrimental to your health.

Positive thoughts