View Full Version : Colon Cancer or Hemorrhoids?

14-03-17, 07:12
Lately I've been extremely stressed and of course that brings out my health anxiety. I've been having some slight stomach cramps and a lot of gas and I can only assume it's the worst. When I poop I get this burning and itching sensation. Almost like something is tearing (very gross) and it's terribly uncomfortable. When I wipe there some bright red blood coming from the bottom of my rectum. I try to tell myself this is probably just Hemorrhoids because it's itchy and flares up when I poop and then immediately stops bleeding. I'm trying to be logical, but I have other symptoms too like fatigue and gas. My stools aren't really thin and long. Always normal of size and color but seeing blood when I wipe really gets to me. Is this worthy of going to the doctor? My mom tells me that it would be very rare for an 18 year old to get colon cancer but when it comes to anxiety I'd pretty much diagnose myself with anything regardless of how rare it is.

14-03-17, 07:27
Actually I just went to see the doctor for this very same reason. If its bright red blood its pretty much always hemmeroids. Its highly unlikely to be cancer at your age. Cancer symptoms would be like dark red crusty blood in the stool (my doctor told me this today) . I think you can rest easy, but go see a doc if you are really worried. I think you should not stress over this at all!

14-03-17, 07:55
I appreciate this advice a lot! It's jus bright red blood when I wipe. It's not in my stool or anything. It always disappears when I finish wiping as well.

14-03-17, 10:59
Well our NHS always says that blood from this area needs a GP to make the call. This is because they are being very careful about people who may not normally see doctors. But the reality is always that doctors see people like this all day, every day, and it's something like roids.

Review the symptoms:
- Itching
- Soreness
- Blood BUT only when wiping
- Wind

Three of those are direct symptoms of roids. AND blood comes & goes because the roids are being irritated. This can be from rubbing, straining, hard stools or even watery stools (due to the acid).

Wind can be so many things. But didn't you say your post Xmas diet had been pretty poor? If I'm remembering that correctly, it's likely your bowel health/digestion isn't good and this will absolutely impact on your back end. Add anxiety into that, when stress alone is a prime cause of roids, and you have even more likelihood of roids.

Fatigue is such a general symptom, it could be anything. But it certainly can be anxiety, so is it connected? Probably not, it's more likely the anxiety.

Any constipation?

Improve your diet. Get some probiotics from something like yoghurt as it will help you, and potentially quickly. And try not to strain, which is a big cause of roids (mine started from weight lifting many years ago, which is a common one known to lifters. It's like how they are so common in pregnancy, pushing through the bottom to give birth).

14-03-17, 11:49
Colon Cancer or Hemorrhoids?

Harmless vs. deadly? Don't we anything in between to choose from? Sheesh... ;) You've been around the boards long enough to know that it's hemmies or a fissure.

Positive thoughts