View Full Version : not sure if this is a panic attack or what.

14-03-17, 22:19
ive been dealing with anxiety and panic off and on since I was 17 maybe even 16. For some reason for the past 2 years my anxiety has spiked during the spring months march april and may. I will have these episodes where im on high alert and everything makes me anxious. its very uncomfortable but not life threatening. A few days ago I was looking at my DNA results from 23andme and one of the disorders they said i was prone to was schitzophrenia and I started freaking out. I didnt hear voices or have delusions but i imagined that I was and it made my panic about 10 times worse. At that moment it seemed like everything would spook me and frighten me from the shower turning on to the faces on the tv. everything would make me afraid. The next day this gradually subsided and I was on the computer looking up info about space and such and then I thought to myself oh no one of the delusions schitzo people have involve aliens and such and I started to panic again. not as bad as the previous episode. ive been thinking about getting medication but then get afraid that if a doctor put me on an SSRI that i would have a reaction to it because ive never taken it before. Plus I know its spring so my body is on high alert. more so than usual. can anyone give me some thoughts about this situation??

14-03-17, 23:04
I remember you from AZ. What, if anything, are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

14-03-17, 23:22
I remember you too. im considering medication

14-03-17, 23:38
I remember you too. im considering medication

If you remember me, you know I'm straightforward and will challenge you to face reality. Treat your real illness. These are words on a screen. You need real life help. Talk to your doctor about therapy and medication and get your life back ;)

Positive thoughts