View Full Version : Tough Times

Just A Person
14-03-17, 23:06
You know what's funny? When I think back on the "good times", I'm really just thinking of stretches in my life where I was not having panic attacks, severe depression or horrible bouts of O.C.D.

You see, like many of you I suspect, my O.C.D. and other anxieties never go away; they just lighten up a bit. What I consider good times would probably freak out a "normal" person.

A couple of years ago my wife was diagnosed with colon cancer. She lived just shy of a year after her diagnosis. She was such a beautiful person and she was my rock. My anxieties went off the deep end early in her battle with cancer and I experienced one of my worst episodes of my life. And that's saying something.

Here I am, a couple of years later and I am going through another really rough spell. At times I wonder why I should even care anymore. I am 45 years old and this has been my life since childhood. I wish I could just have some continuity......of the good sort!

Sorry about the rant..no real point just writing a few thoughts.