View Full Version : Yet another worry....blood clot fear again

15-03-17, 13:01
So maybe I'm a little premature in writing this as the pain just started 5 mins ago basically but as soon as it started my anxiety knew exactly what the problem was. It was a blood clot and the best thing for it was to freak out. I know it's unlikely but I have that worry. The only reason I have that worry is for the past two days I've lazily played video games for a few hours each day. Which makes it more unlikely is that I don't think I sat for longer than 1-2 hours at a time and during that time I would move my legs and flex them to get the blood moving(due to fear of blood clot). I have no real symptoms of a blood either. The only pain I'm having is a throbbing pain at the top of my groin basically. I know that's not exactly a true symptom of a blood clot but during my MD through google I've learned that not everyone has a swollen leg, which even further helps the worry. So now I've shared with you how my day has started and what my worries are for the moment. Anxiety was getting better as I was starting back on Prozac but I was without for two weeks(don't chastise me) and now I'm back on it. So I've maybe been on it for a two weeks total in the past month. Blood clot!

15-03-17, 15:41
I play video games for 2+ hours most days, and mostly sit around watching Netflix. Apart from walking to the toilet and going to eat dinner etc I don't get up. (I have college during the day so I'm obviously walking around then) as long as your not in the same position not moving your legs for extreme amounts of time (like 8+ hours) then you should be fine. There are glands around near the groin and it could be these that are hurting, From something simple like a cold etc. I used to have blood clot fears, pains all over my legs in different places but it was nothing in the end. Stop worrying and it will go.

16-03-17, 03:37
Have had those fears too after becoming more sedentary when my anxiety kicked in. But look at it this way. We sleep 8 hours at night, give or take, staying in bed & we don't get clots then. Our bodies occasionally move when we sleep of course. Your pain sounds muscular, sitting can cause aches too.

16-03-17, 10:49
It really doesn't seem likely. :d I mostly sit around all day and take birth control pills which can mess with your coagulation. Freaked a bit myself when I had a pain in my leg a few times but it eventually went away. But then again, ever since I started having health anxiety I've been feeling pains all over, basically new symptoms every other day.

16-03-17, 20:23
From a cause standpoint it's not likely as I had mentioned, I was only seated for at most 2 hours at a time, if that. I don't usually sit around very often but for some reason rented a game and started playing it. Also when I was seated I would move my feet around or flex my legs to keep blood flow. From a hypochondria standpoint and my Google MD, well you know the deal. My problem is I keep searching and finding people that have no symptoms. I know I shouldn't do it and haven't for the past day. My calf has basically been in a constant cramping charlie horse feeling since yesterday basically. I'm trying to just ignore it. I took a Xanax last night as I thought it was anxiety related but that didn't prove helpful, though I was able to sleep. I know my anxiety is spiked possibly due to starting back on Prozac but all these aren't helping me rationalize the leg cramps.

17-03-17, 00:19
I was the same at one point. Some days I can play video games on my computer for up to 5 hours (I obviously move to use the toilet, have something to eat and to drink). It's exactly what Jotia said just make sure you're not sitting for 8 hours without moving and eliminate other risks for blood clots such as smoking, diet and anything else to give you peace.

18-03-17, 10:48
I sometimes play for 12 hours. Worst thing I got one time was a killer back ache. You're gonna be fine. It seems you found a new health obsession so you need to stop googling asap. :d It won't stop until you do, believe me. May I ask how old are you?