View Full Version : Bubbles in urine -- women

15-03-17, 14:37
Hi All --

I am another refugee from AZ, though I haven't needed to post there for years. I've actually been doing remarkable well for a long while, despite facing some issues that would have historically caused great anxiety. However, I've recently gotten stuck on a worry I can't seem to shake.

I am wondering about bubbles in urine, something triggered by a friend's kidney cancer diagnosis (I am 46, she is the same age). I know men notice this because they pee from a higher distance and with greater force, but how common is it for women? The bubbles I am noticing are not excessive and not every time -- when I see them, they look like small areas of small white bubbles. They mostly dissipate quickly, but some areas do not dissipate. To what extent are bubbles normal (for women) and when should they be seen as worrisome? My kind husband demonstrated that he also has bubbles -- far more than I do -- which do not dissipate and has had them his entire life.

I am due for a routine physical soon and will be calling to make that appointment --- but I'm making myself crazy in the meantime.


Catherine S
15-03-17, 15:14
Hi there, apparently it depends on how full your bladder is, the fuller it is the more forceful the flow and this will produce bubbles, so they don't necessarily show up every time. Also, frothy urine can just be a sign that you are a little dehydrated and need to drink more. This is why urine can be much darker and frothed in the morning as it's more concentrated. But the bubbles are quite normal :)


16-03-17, 11:10
Thanks for responding ISB!

I had been hoping there was a correlation between strength of flow and bubbles, but there really isn't one. Actually, I usually don't notice bubbles first thing in the morning, when my bladder is most full and my urine would be most concentrated. I seem to notice them more when I just have a (TMI!) dribble sort of pee -- I've had 2 giant kids, so peeing isn't what it used to be!!

I suspect that it's probably OK -- I confirmed, again, that my husband has bubbles that don't completely go away (even after 20+ minutes). They look very similar to what I'm seeing, only he has far more. I think I might have a yeast infection (was just on antibiotics after major oral surgery), so I'll treat that and see what happens. I also need to bite the bullet and make an appointment for my physical next month (my last one was 11 months ago). I guess I just want some reassurance that I don't need to go rushing in before then, just for the bubbles.

24-03-17, 11:45
Just bumping this to see if anyone else has any experience with this (particularly women). The bubbles aren't crazy --- what I mostly notice are a few small "islands" of little bubbles. It doesn't even come close to filling up the toilet. I'd be more confident blaming a strong urine stream if I actually had a strong urine stream (a side-effect of having given birth twice!).

I guess I'm wondering if this is a common thing that I'm just overreacting to. I'm due for a routine physical/bloodwork in a few weeks, and I'll ask when I'm there -- but waiting for that appointment will be hard if I can't stop fretting.

Thanks for any input!!!

24-03-17, 16:30
I'm a man so I don't know if I'll be of much help with this, but I used to worry about this myself whenever I was really bad about my HA. However there's a lot of factors to consider like hydration, the force of the flow, etc. Like another poster mentioned here, guys usually have a higher force than women and bubbles are more likely to appear. I'm sure there'd be worse symptoms than that if kidney failure was on the table.

I think you're fine, and I'm sure the doctor during your physical will say the same.