View Full Version : Spouse with anxiety and meds

15-03-17, 15:43
I'm drained and think I'm ready to leave. We have been married 20 years. The last 5 have been rough, I encouraged marriage counseling, he refused but went a few times. He was given a diagnosis of anxiety (I thought ADHD) and also some low dose meds. I'm sure he has always had this, just overlooked it. But I can't overlook it anymore-- he cannot relax, is always in a hurry, worries about everything, can get angry at times, has a tough time sleeping, picks at his fingers, asks questions over and over, etc... Very rarely is supportive of me. I'm human not a robot which at times I think he is. Living with him I believe is not good for my health. I do take care of myself-- exercise-- friends--therapy for myself BUT I need more... a partner!! I'm a very patient person as well as caring.. each time he has a concern, I'm right here to help reassure him. He is not wanting to do anything for himself-- he does try to exercise but the Dr suggested Yoga which he did try but it's not for him. Spouse says nothing is wrong so he refuses counseling and meds. It's very frustrating because he did TRY in the fall and I saw a major difference in him.. More conversations, laughter, pleasant, he would sleep all night-- life just seemed to be easy..No arguments, no questions.. He didn't complain about side effects so I am annoyed that he stopped! I don't want a divorce but don't think I can live this lonely life. I'm a little scared to go out on my own. My therapist and our marriage counselor have mentioned divorce may happen if things don't change.

15-03-17, 17:40
I'm so sorry to hear that. You did what you could.