View Full Version : any ideas?

24-04-07, 07:20
Hi I haven't written in awhile and I decided to try and get some advice from everyone on here. My panic attacks recently came back worse then ever for the past month or so. I get them everyday in the morning and was getting them at night as well, but those have subsided. If anyone can give me any advice as to how not to panic when I wake up. I panic when I have nothing to do and I panic when I have to be somewhere, it's awful. I have been waking up lately and instantly taking my xanax which is only supposed to be used on an as needed basis and I absolutely hate taking them as preventative. They sometimes don't even work when I take them right away. When I panic I have to usually get out. I make my fiance take me for a drive, but I hate having to make him do this all the time. I also pace and I have these mints that I have to bite on, which might I add are making my teeth so sensitive and it is horrible! Also my life is becoming out of control because I actually have to make plans around my panic attacks in the morning. I never make plans before 2:00 and I try not to wake up before noon because of how bad they are. Lately though I haven't been able to sleep more then 6-7 hours a night so I go to bed very late so that I sleep until noon. It's just horrible. Any ideas about what I can do to make the panic attacks go away? What do you all do?

24-04-07, 07:21
I forgot to mention that I am also emetophobic so when I wake up and feel that yucky feeling in the morning sometimes that everyone I am sure has experienced, the panic attack gets worse.

24-04-07, 08:00
i realy do now how u feel i hate the mornin it takes me biggest part of the mornin to feel calmer by tea time i feel a lot better i tried stayin awake when i can so i dont wake up early but that dont work because its on wakeing you feel bad so no matter what time u wake you will feel crap i to only sleep about 6 hours some times 5 and wake up like this mornin it was6 clock and made myself go back to sleep till my sister rings me o get my daughter up for school and then i jumpedup at half severn to the phone wich set my heart raceing straight away
i felt crap still doits nearly 8am my brother was like this as well now he gets up about 6 every morning and makes sure he is asleep for about 11 or 12 even though he dont always feel good he say at least by 9 and 10 he feels lots better so he as all day instead of only half a day feel ok i wish i had got up wen i woke at 6 as i felt better then than i do now u just have to find diffrent copeing methods that work for u i am sure you will sorry i have no great answers aye but who as to these crazy panics and anxiety bye for now trish

24-04-07, 19:22
Hi Kirrisa

I find distration is the best way to deal with my panic attacks, have you seen the How to Cope and First step sections of the forum, there are some great tips to help also.




little mutt
24-04-07, 20:08
That early morning anxiety is definately not nice. I used to get it every morning as soon as I opened my eyes it was there. Every morning I would have to go to the bathroom and be sick. I really didn't know how to get over it because one minute I was asleep then as soon as I woke the panic was there. So in the end I just accepted it. I said to myself every morning ' This is just my early morning anxiey and it will pass, I feel awful now but I will feel better later, so I'm just going to accept it.' It sounds a bit mad but it really did work.
Once I stopped trying to fight it and just accepted that it was going to be there for a few hours in the morning it eventually got to the stage where by I would wake up feeling ok. Hope this helps !
Keep smiling :)

24-04-07, 21:33
I think because you have been feeling like this in the morning, your brain has trained itself to be like this automaticly as soon as you open your eyes! It's like the norm for you now!
I would suggest that you go back to your GP and ask for something that is going to keep you on a lavel setting rather than something that jst works at the time! even if it's just for a short period while you re'ajust. Someone told me earlier on here to go back to my gp and have med looked at incase it's no longer working, so i'm gonna do just that! i hope you do it too!

Best of luck luv and i hope you feel better soon

24-04-07, 22:09
Sometimes we fall back into bad habits once we think we are "safe and cured".

I know I did.

The diet and exercise lessened. I stopped the relaxation CD's and the time-out to do the correct breathing.

Start all these things back up again and you will get back on track.

See it is a blip and not a setback.

Change your routine and see if that helps - maybe you are stuck in a rut?

25-04-07, 05:38
thank you all so much for your quick replies!

oh and little mutt.. I am emetophobic so when I wake up feeling sick, getting sick is the LAST thing I want to do haha!... when I wake up feeling the yucky feeling, all I can think of is either omg I don't want to get sick or be sick or omg this is never going to go away and I am not going to be able to do anything... but I will keep in mind that once I accept feeling the way I do, that it will get better, since that seemed to work for you...

I will definately take the advice you have all given me into consideration... thanks so much!