View Full Version : Scared of bowel cancer :(

15-03-17, 19:33
Hi guys i'm new here, anyway heres the thing, about a month ago after having a BM I saw bright red blood on the toilet paper, then I gave myself alittle exam in the shower and I felt a couple bumps, they felt like they were gonna pop when I pushed on them. I realized I had some bad habits, like sitting on the toilet for to long and excessive wiping. So I stopped both those things about 2 weeks before I went to see a doctor, but of course I panic and google and like a normal sufferer of HA I panic and think its the worst possibilty, anal cancer. So I knew I didn't have HPV and my family has never had problems with colon or anal health. But my fear didn't cease. So I went and saw a speacialist on anal/colon health and she did the rectal exam, stool test which showed NO blood, she even felt my groin and abdominal area. She said there was no swelling or lumps growing in my anal canal and groin and lymph nodes weren't swollen. She said those bumps had to have been hemorrhoids because cancer tumors don't shrink or go away... She also said my symptoms would have gotten worse not better since stopping those habits. But I can't shake this fear even tho things got better, my stools arn't black and the blood was never dark red or maroone, she said those 2 things are red flags for cancer, which she swears I don't have. But idk... sometimes it itches and feels alittle swollen but she says thats because of the over wiping, I still worry tho, does anybody else have this fear and problens?

25-04-17, 22:55
itch may come from hemorrhoids

28-04-17, 23:44
The itching has gotten better since I used the cream she gave me. I think the itching was caused by the overwiping because the skin was dry. If I see or feel any red flags I'll go see her again.