View Full Version : Severe anxiey regarding Lymph nodes

16-03-17, 00:17
Hey all.

This is my first post. After spending at least 50 hours looking for information on the internet, I think it's about time I tried to reach-out and communicate with others in a similar position to me.

About 3 months ago I noticed two posterior cervical lymph nodes: one on each side of my neck, below my ears.

All over the internet it says if they are hard, immovable and fixed to the underlying tissue, then it is usually cancer.

I am booked in for an ultrasound on the 24th, but all the doctors, and the ENT specialist, have said that it’s nothing to worry about, trying to reassure me everything is ok, and even offered me counselling.
I also have several, hard, lymph nodes in my groin; although these seem to be fading somewhat, so hopefully it is not cancer that is surging through my body - like I have been imaging.

I have had no palpable infections or been sick at all, but the doctors have given me no explanation to why these lymph nodes have suddenly appeared, like this

I hope to speak to others who have had lymph nodes with similar characteristics to myself, and hopefully we can all reassure each other. Thanks :)

16-03-17, 00:21
Stay off the internet and listen to your doctors. I would take the offer for counseling so that will ease your fears. Good luck!

16-03-17, 00:43
I'm a Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer survivor. If you've been given the all clear, take it and celebrate! I WISH I had those results.

Definitely take the therapy and work on your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

16-03-17, 01:16
Hey Fishmana, I am sorry to hear what you have experienced. Thank you for being on this forum, alive and well, and for sharing your knowledge.

The thing is they have all the characteristics of being cancerous, the one on my left side has doubled in size. What I am worryed about, after alot of research is that mine a immovable and fixed. They seem to have all gotten a bit softer which is slightly reassuring. Has anyone else had this?

16-03-17, 01:24
all the doctors, and the ENT specialist, have said that it’s nothing to worry about, trying to reassure me everything is ok, and even offered me counselling.

The thing is they have all the characteristics of being.......

NORMAL! Chase the wind if you want. I think I'd be content to let it blow over me.

Positive thoughts