View Full Version : Eye Pain

16-03-17, 02:04
Hello again anxiety friends,

I'm back once again. About 5-7 days ago I developed eye pain, it was very very red (you could see the veins popping out) and was very itchy and had a consant burning sensation. The redness has gone away (both eyes look the same) but my left eye keeps hurting, specially in the caruncle area (inner corner closest to nose) also, I have been feeling dizzy as of 2-3 days ago, and sometimes i can feel like my head is spinning. Im terrified when things like this happen and there is no logical answer. I went to the dr and he told me it was a viral conjunctivitis, however the one thing that has me worried is the dizziness and headaches I keep getting with all of this. If it continues I will go back to the dr, but i am terrified to say the least... i am so done with getting all these random things that feel so real and terrifying... is it just stress and anxiety? Anybody with a similar experience? Thanks for reading! As always, i'll appreciate any feedback

16-03-17, 10:59
I can feel the pain by reading your post, but I've never been in your condition before, so I don't know what to say. The symptoms like the red eyes diseas https://authorityremedies.com/home-remedies-for-red-eyes/
Have you done the scan? I think it could be something inside your nose..

16-03-17, 14:32
Thanks for answering!

If its conjunctivitis like the dr told me its fine, I'll deal with it. Its the fact of being dizzy and feeling like my head is spinning that is freaking me out. I've never suffered from vertigo before so its all new to me. This whole situation is only raising my anxiety levels which I know wont help and will amp any symptoms I may have... such a dirty vicious cycle

17-03-17, 03:17
I have now bad headaches and a constant feeling of dizziness, like my head is spinning, can this be caused by anxiety? I am now worried something is wrong with my brain (tumour)...

17-03-17, 03:21
Do you wear glasses? I had many of the symptoms you like the dizziness, eye pain, and headaches...are sure enough I needed glasses. I still get dizzy if I'm not wearing my glasses.

17-03-17, 13:41
I don't and I think I should. But quite honestly I don't think that's the reason..a week ago I was doing fine, and then all the symptoms came out of nowhere. Eye pain first (as described above) and then headaches and dizziness. Also I am getting very tired, and feel fatigued and drained all the time. Anxiety is building up, I can feel it, thinking it could be something horrible...this happens to me every time, I find it so difficult to differentiate a harmless condition from a deadly disease...

20-03-17, 20:16
I was doing so well... the dizziness is driving me insane, it almost feels like I cant focus my left eye... i feel tipsy all the time, except for late at night, it tends to subside. Also my left eye is constantly red, towards the inner corner and have the feeling of a foreign object in there. The one symptom thats freaking me out is the dizziness and vertigo. My anxiety is sky rocketing due to this, and the worse case scenarios are clouding my head. I needed to vent, as im driving my family nuts. Im in the U.S visiting relatives for another week, so going tp the dr isnt an option until i go back to Canada. This is ruining my vacation and I feel horrible about it. Im running out of gas here quite honestly

21-03-17, 04:31
Hey man, sorry to hear about all this.

I have occasional spells of vertigo that last from a few minutes to a few hours to, at one point, a week. I know it's very anxiety-inducing, and unfortunately, anxiety usually aggravates it and makes the symptoms feel more real and intrusive.

The best thing to do is just accept the fact that it's vertigo intellectually, and to train yourself to accept it emotionally. It's not brain cancer, or a stroke, or anything else. It's just vertigo. When you feel like you're going to fall over, stop and remind yourself that you're suffering from vertigo before your anxiety feeds that second dose of fear that causes panic. It won't kill you, and it'll be over before you know it.

Also, make sure you're doing as many fun activities as you can. There's no need to stay at home to wear this off. Go for walks, enjoy time with your family, and join them in whatever they're doing. Distraction will make it go away sooner than you'd expected.

21-03-17, 06:00
Thank you for responding! I am convinced I have Uveitis, and can't see a dr for another week... its bothering so much. Im trying to keep my head off of it but its becoming nearly impossible. Thanks for your response tho, I trully hope its just another anxiety attack after all