View Full Version : It feels Ive been drugged

16-03-17, 02:15
Hi all –
So I've had panic attacks for about nine months now. I have spoke to a doctor just a general practitioner about it briefly they wanted to prescribe me Celexa I didn't take it. I had 4 attacks in one week last September and then nothing until recently I've now had two in one week. Today being the most recent . I was with my friend from childhood who I guess was present for a lot of the trauma that I suffered I'm not sure if she is a trigger. I am really hoping not. Today she She bought me some coffee and we took our kiddos to the park, the feeling that came on was like a marijuana high , Like the feeling you're too high and you don't like it ,paranoid feeling. I immediately thought that there was something in the coffee. I also thought that maybe it was coffee itself. It lasted for about 40 minutes and I felt so weird physically like the feeling of coming onto drugs. I haven't taken any mind altering substance in almost 4 years. Does anyone else have these symptoms? I feel alone in this symptom it's embarrassing to tell people you feel crazy for a little while and that you think someone's drugged you. I am new to this site as I am reaching out trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with me. I'm avoiding taking any medication but I'm starting to feel desperate with the symptoms. Any feedback would be very much appreciated.

16-03-17, 02:41
You should talk to your doctor about the panic attacks. Why didn't you take the meds as prescribed? Panic attacks are different to each person. I don't think anything surprises a physician. Take care.

16-03-17, 02:44
I am a recovering addict and am fearful of taking anything that changes the way I feel due to triggers. It's getting to the point where I am going to take something because these panic attacks are debilitating.

16-03-17, 06:57
Caffeine is a stimulant and maybe the strength was pretty high? Caffeine stimulates Dopamine release, it's possible you felt some euphoria.

Well done for kicking the substances, that takes a hell of a lot of strength. Antidepressants aren't habit forming like short term meds aimed at panic (benzo's) and they don't change how you feel rapidly like them, they are slow acting (as in weeks to months) and you just feel a bit better at a time, nothing radical. Perhaps these won't be such an issue for you?