View Full Version : What is your worst panic symptom and least frightening one?

16-03-17, 06:52
I'm just curious what everyone's worst symptom is. Try to be as descriptive as you can. It can be physical or mental. I realise it can be really difficult to just choose one. And my other question is what panic symptom can you easily brush off as "that's just anxiety?"

I'll kick it off.
Worst: disassociation. I can almost handle physical symptoms if not for the feeling I am so frighteningly detached from the surroundings. Especially when it's accompanied by head pressure. This symptom makes the urge to escape unbearable and on a bad day i feel like it will stop me from ever having a normal life.

Least frightening: feeling hot. I haven't linked that to some disease yet. I used to get hot before any social function before I ever had a panic attack so I was used to it. (I also realise some people don't have a least frightening symptom)

16-03-17, 11:24
Worst: Its really hard to explain but it almost feels like I'm suffocating, everything goes quiet, all I can focus on is my heart and breathing, and its like being on mount Everest.

Least frightening: Hot flashes, I always get really hot just before it starts which is generally my indicator that one is going to happen.

16-03-17, 15:44
Worst: Chest nervousness/tightness feels like my heart is gonna give way there and then.
Least frightening: My shaking

16-03-17, 19:58
Most frightening symptom:

Chest tightness for sure. This often triggers the other symptoms like breathlessness and a feeling like my heart is about to stop, chest tremors and the like.

Least frightening symptom:

Sweating/hot flashes are the least frightening for me since i'm almost always warm anyway

16-03-17, 23:27
worst: Feeling like I will faint. Dissociation feeling.
Least frightening : I've learned to deal with the constant dizziness.

17-03-17, 05:06
Worst: the chest tightness, breathlessness, pains, etc. I'm constantly fixated on my breathing now.

Least frightening: feeling hot & sweaty

17-03-17, 12:33
Most Frightening: Nausea, as I am very emetophobic
Least Frightening: Shaking/trembling

17-03-17, 13:36
Most frightening for me is not being able to breathe properly (that's been a fear since childhood)

Least frightening is nausea as I don't get it very often!

17-03-17, 23:18
The most frightening is a tough one. Strangely shaking/trembling is up there whilst for some others it seems less troublesome. The very worst is maybe that leaden fear starting in my chest, but is that the panic itself or a symptom?

The least frightening is probably dry mouth or sweating. Crikey what lives we have?!

19-03-17, 22:34
Worst one is definitely the disconnected feeling and least one is probably the dizziness!

20-03-17, 15:14
worst is not being able to breath, least is tingling

do you find a panic attack knocks your system out for the rest of the day ? I feel so wonky/dizzy all day after it

21-03-17, 10:28
worst is literally anything I could related to cancer so headaches mean a tumour, dizziness means something serious in my head etc etc

least is the adrenaline rush, although its unpleasant it makes me feel alive at least and I can usually calm my self down.

21-03-17, 10:33
worst is literally anything I could related to cancer so headaches mean a tumour, dizziness means something serious in my head etc etc

least is the adrenaline rush, although its unpleasant it makes me feel alive at least and I can usually calm my self down.

hi, do you sometimes feel shakey and dizzy for days after a panic attack ?

24-04-17, 00:27
Hmm... frightening would have to be points in time where I get a strong heart palpitation, to the point where it's like I can't breathe for a moment in time. Even though I know I am healthy, it still is a scary sensation. I've been checked over by many doctors already.

Least...? I guess gastrointestinal issues like nausea or stomach knots. I mean, they're terrible and not something I enjoy, but they aren't really frightening.

24-04-17, 01:59
Most frightening one, is depersonalization not feeling like me

Least frightening one dizziness

24-04-17, 20:29
The most frightening for me would be my heart rate/ palpitations. I have had a heart rate of 150 during a panic attack and it feels as though my heart is going to burst.

Least frightening is probably the shaking or sweaty hands :) xxx

24-04-17, 22:05
most frightening: face numbness, heart racing, depersonalization
least frightening: nausea, tight stomach, insomnia

25-04-17, 01:07
Worst: My head - Always the head. I wish there was a name for it as I find it hard to explain. Its like my head at the back goes rigid and feels like its vibrating inside then i get dizzy and disoriented and can't focus and each time it feels like a seizure is approaching and I am losing control.

Best: Anything unrelated to my head is managable :)

27-04-17, 13:10
Worst is when I get jolts of absolute terror like the world is ending
Best (but still annoying) entire body shaking like I'm cold

27-04-17, 14:52
MUSCLE PAIN FROM BEING TENSE. Can feel the adrenaline pump into my muscles.

11-05-17, 11:48
Worse.....Fear of fainting and being out of control
Less Frightening......Dry mouth and shakes

11-05-17, 14:11
Worse panic I had? I was shaking, couldn't catch my breath, sweating even though I was in air conditioning. I ended up in the ER. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Thank goodness it was the only one I had. I have had 2 panic attacks since then, just crying and not being able to catch my breath and I was able to talk myself through it.

12-05-17, 02:06
Worst for me is definatly the chest tightness and left side arm and chest tension, it gets pretty bad lately and I keep thinking I'm going to have a heart attack. Rivaling that is skipped beats that for me seem to lead into a panic attack. Least is probably the shaking and jitters.

12-05-17, 05:40
The fear that I'm gunna die,it is bloody terrifying,and the guilt feeling after the panic.

12-05-17, 16:53
Short term worse: dissociation and feeling of losing control (call an ambulance I cannot breath/go crazy!); long-term worse: the lingering anxiety in the following days/weeks causing constant fear and triggering more panic attacks; fear of ending up in a vicious anxiety cycle for a prolonged period of time

Least frightening: minor physical symptoms like sweating, dry mouth, clenching teeth

28-05-17, 14:00
Worse for me has to be the Dizziness, makes me feel so Ill and scared I'm going to collapse.
Least scary is probably muscle tension .

02-06-17, 00:12
Worst: My hands and fingers get so numb I can't bend them or use them. It's my worst when I'm drivong. Besides that it's chest tightness.

Least worst: shaking. I don't always shake though.

07-06-17, 01:33
My worst symptoms were probably very common - pounding heart, rush of adrenaline and the feeling that I just had to run or escape. This particularly sucked when stuck on a plane, in a bus or waiting to speak in public.

07-06-17, 15:28
Same as most people, dizziness

Least shaking, sweaty palms

14-06-17, 19:12
For me, the most terrifying symptom that I get at the very beginning of a panic attack is my left arm tingling or going numb. I'm a hypochondriac and so I'm very sensitive to how my body changes, second to second. When this happens, it induces a whole host of other symptoms, the racing heart, the depersonalization.. and thus... inducing a panic attack.

The least frightening is probably ... what if all of the symptoms are frightening to me? Honestly, I think they are all quite scary and frightening!

15-06-17, 23:22
Most frightening : The numbness and tingling in my hands and face... this is seriously Hard to move past during a full blown panic attack.

Least frightening : probably the sweaty palms and hot flashes.

19-06-17, 11:43
Worst: dissociation and head pressure!!!! Almost feels like I'm not getting enough oxygen to my brain, there's a few that cause me to go full wire panic mode, another is when I'm numb down one side of my body, and the feeling of something on my chest/tightness.

Least frightening: shaking