View Full Version : Client meeting anxiety

16-03-17, 09:17
I've got to go to a client meeting in central London today and I am feeling so anxious about it. Meetings at work trigger panic attacks for me and this is worse because I have to get the train then the tube and it's with unfamiliar people etc. My manager is going and he knows about my anxiety, but I've been told I have to go to this meeting if I want to remain in my team leader role at work (being a team leader doesn't have a lot to do with client meetings but that's a separate issue) and this is giving me more anxiety because normally I calm myself by thinking: ok I'll go but if I'm still anxious, I don't have to go inside, and if I go inside I can walk out at any point. This is what has been helping me through some interviews I've been having for a new job. I know not turning up or just walking out would look awful in terms of the interview, but that's the only thing it would affect and I'd still have my current job, if I don't show up for this I might lose my current role.

Does anyone have any tips for reducing anxiety/panic in client meetings?

16-03-17, 14:03
How did it go ??

17-03-17, 11:11
It was actually ok. The trains were a nightmare and were all delayed and I sat on a stationary train between stations for a while, which made me panic so much as I hate trains at the best of times. I got a taxi to the meeting to avoid the tube, and once I was in there I was quite anxious but we had a break after an hour (and I had previously told my manager I would probably leave after this point) but I decided to stay for the second part which was another hour and I actually felt reasonably calm! Afterwards I got the tube with one of my colleagues, which was the first time I've been on it in years, and was even ok for the two stops I had to ride by myself after he got off.

I was freaking out about this day so much for a good week beforehand, but am so pleased I was able to do it. I never thought I'd be at the stage where I would feel as comfortable in a meeting as I did at the end of the second half.

I'm absolutely exhausted now though, I think my anxiety being so high all week worrying about this meeting, and then the level of panic yesterday morning when I was getting ready and when I was on the train has completely wiped me out. I'm struggling at work, as i'm so tired, I feel a bit sick and my stomach hurts a bit, but I am trying to tell myself that this is just because I've been so tense for days. Preparing for this meeting was probably the longest period of continuous really high anxiety I've had in a while, I tend to have very bad days but normally just one at a time.

Need to focus on the positives though, that I was able to do the whole meeting, plus trains, plus a tube ride :)