View Full Version : No one understands. And I'm losing my sanity

16-03-17, 11:48
I feel like I'm losing my mind. I feel empty, sad, unnecessary, in the way, and it's making my feel super depressed. I know I can't be depressed because my life in general is fine. I have food, family, living in a nice place with a good home? But the thing that is driving crazy is that I feel like I'm going crazy and no one is noticing, no one cares. I feel extremely selfish because why should they care? My best friend tried to harm herself a few weeks ago and failed and I'm whining because I can't sleep at night? My best friend has now found a really nice boyfriend and I'm super happy for her but when they're together I feel like they want me to leave and it makes me want to cry as my bestie is normally the only one I know I can hang with but the past few months since she's got her new boyfriend she's changed and acts like I'm a burden or some weirdo she has to take care of. I've said on previous threads how I have insomnia and anxiety but it's all just getting worse I overthink the tiniest thing, I have to hold back crying for no reason in class and on the bus etc and all this time no one is noticing which I'm kinda glad about because if they noticed then I'd have to talk about it (which they would then tell me I'm being silly and have nothing to be sad about) but I feel like the fact no one understands is proving to me how unwanted I am. WHY AM I LIKE THIS.

I'm really sorry for just posting me rambling I'm probably taking this site for granted I just feel like I can't talk to anyone apart from my cats and my computer screen and it's driving me insane.

16-03-17, 11:56
Hi Aplieland are you parents understanding perhaps you could confide in them or a teacher/counsellor at school? To bottle it all up is no good for you. Hope you find the help you need Cheers

16-03-17, 13:03
1) You don't need to have a bad life to have mental health issues.

2) That feeling of going crazy is the anxiety. If you were actually going crazy you probably wouldn't notice, but everybody else does.

3) Context is important. Your friend harming herself is her issue, not yours. So why compare?

4) Getting a new partner does change your outlook and it is very common for new couples to get lost in each other. It can be difficult to play the 3rd party, but just respect that this change in your friend is normal and I don't think it reflects on your relationship.

5) Anxiety is hard to see in somebody. It is also hard to understand without having experienced it yourself. It is nothing to do with you being unwanted.That's just the anxiety\depression messing with you.

6) You are like this because your body puts you in fight/flight mode when it is not necessary. You can manage this. It just needs your focus.

16-03-17, 13:33
Hi, sorry you are still struggling. Have you spoken to your doctor? Think you might need a bit extra support. Depression and anxiety don't care if you have a good life, nice things etc....it can affect anyone & all different ages. Don't feel selfish because you are not, you are dealing with alot of difficult emotions. It is a difficult thing to explain & for others to understand which is why I really feel you should try to speak to your doctor. Hope you feel better soon
PS this is what this site is for, better out than in :hugs:xx

17-03-17, 19:21
I feel like a can relate to a lot of what you're saying. I'm going through exactly the same thing right now and it sucks big time! I feel very very alone in this and also feel like no one understands. My parents and friends know there is something wrong with me but they don't talk about it. And I can't understand why.

Next week I have my first appointment with my gp and I'm hoping she can point me in the right direction to speak to professional people who have a clear understanding of what's wrong with me.

I think you should do too if you haven't already. Our family and friends care about us but maybe they just don't know how they can help us and that's why they stay silent?

So go and seek help from people trained and qualified in what you're dealing with. People who can listen to you and help you in your situation. You just need a lifeline and that starts with asking for help through your gp. Feel free to message me directly if ever you need a chat. I know exactly how it feels to be alone.

17-03-17, 19:31
Hi - i'm going through the same thing right now - feeling like i'm going crazy and feeling very alone. I have people around me but I hate burdening them and they just don't understand what this feels like.

I plan to stay on this forum this evening and try to take my mind off things, so everyone on this thread, feel free to message anytime if you fancy a chat


18-03-17, 05:26
Just want to clear up that my family and friends are extremely kind and loving people and my whole family has experience with people who have had mental illness caused from traumatic events, but this is also the reason I would feel ridiculous talking to my family about how I'm depressed for no reason even though my life's fine while others in my family and dealing with very big problems it would feel like I'm just tryna get the attention back on me and they would say it's because I'm a teenager or something. I don't blame my family they don't know how I'm feeling but they probably wouldn't understand it, that is why I keep it from them

---------- Post added at 05:25 ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 ----------

Also want to add I'm very grateful many of you have tried to give advise (also sorry to like take your time etc) and even though I won't be talking to any doctors or therapist's because of reasons I've stated above I have had to have chats with my family because they found out about the panic attacks I've been having so I'm not sure but maybe that'll help me with stuff and them to understand..?

---------- Post added at 05:26 ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 ----------

I will be deleting this soon though as I feel I've drawn too much attention

18-03-17, 09:39
hi, I have this just now, dpo you ever feel totally empty like you are in a dream and your body is not going to function ? this is a horrible feeling, I used to get it now and again but now its more on than off.