View Full Version : Rational thinking

16-03-17, 11:50
Well, yesterday I had severly bad pain in my upper left side and to the side and was convinced that it was it; here comes the uncurable cancer that will kill me in two months. And the pain was felt when I lay down in bed at night. But in the morning I felt quite relieved; not 100% but maybe 70%. I felt a bit gassy in the stomach which I have felt for years anyway from time to time and also quite relieved with a BM following the coffee. At this hours I due turn more to rationality and the thinking that a feeling here and there in the body does not mean a horrible forthcoming death despite media scaremongers and awareness activists wants you to believe so. So I am coping. No guratnee I will fall back to irational catastrophic thinking in the evening but I am learning to get the know the body which I think is crucial in combating health anxiety. I think learning to know the body and its feeling is something often overlooked. Or maybe not. I am not an excpert of course, just sitting here being thoughtful about it.