View Full Version : Sore jaw? And update on rash/aids fear

16-03-17, 11:51
I'm posting about two things so just thought I'd combine! This week I've noticed I have a bit of a sore jaw right in the corner under my ear. I believe that's where the joint connects. I don't remember bumping or jarring it, yet it hurts every now and then if I yawn or move it. I keep opening and closing my jaw, sometimes it hurts sometimes it doesn't. It hurts a little to the touch if I push hard. Does anyone know what this could be? Trying not to freak out. I've had a poke around, nothing feels swollen or out of place.

Also, just to update about my boyfriend's weird leg rash and my fear of it being aids: he developed another two rashes on his face, went back to the docs and after 5 weeks he eventually was diagnosed with ringworm (which is what I said it was from the start). Took 4 doctors, not very encouraging for a HA sufferer to witness :/ They also did FBC for him and all was normal. If he had aids would something show up as abnormal? I am presuming it would.

Thanks x

16-03-17, 12:07
My jaw does that sometimes. EXACTLY as you describe. I have never sought medical advice on it. Meh, bodies sometimes hurt for non-lethal, boring reasons BECAUSE our bodies are imperfect and sometimes do that.

Regarding ringworm--yep, ringworm can seem stealthy and show up in weird ways. It happened to 3 of my kids several years back. I am not going to bore you with the looong story. However Not a big deal. By the way- it takes a while for ringworm to go away even being treated. if you are going to allow your anxiety to jump to AIDS or some other scary illnesses over this, it would be foolish.

16-03-17, 12:18
Thanks Sixpack. Yes, the one that appeared on his leg they were certain wasn't ringworm despite the fact he told them he just started at a new wrestling gym. Nevermind it's sorted now.

Yeah, the jaw thing is weird but I'm not too concerned over it. My bf said he noticed me moving my jaw from left to right when I was asleep the other night! So maybe it's that. Hope it goes away soon though before I start obsessing :/ X

Gary A
16-03-17, 12:23
Thanks Sixpack. Yes, the one that appeared on his leg they were certain wasn't ringworm despite the fact he told them he just started at a new wrestling gym. Nevermind it's sorted now.

Yeah, the jaw thing is weird but I'm not too concerned over it. My bf said he noticed me moving my jaw from left to right when I was asleep the other night! So maybe it's that. Hope it goes away soon though before I start obsessing :/ X

The vast majority of people have a bit of tenderness in that area. It's known as the tempromandibular joint, and it's a very hard working area. Tension, jaw clenching and teeth grinding is the cause of this tenderness, so even if it doesn't go away, don't obsess, just tell yourself that it's a harmless issue caused by perfectly natural things.