View Full Version : Anyone else go in frequent small amounts?

16-03-17, 11:57
Hi all,

I have many symptoms of ibs over the last three years but my fear of the doctors has stopped me from being officially diagnosed. Anyway, I've had looser stools, sometimes bouts of diarrhoea, feeling of incomplete movement, passing mucus, often on a regular basis. But most days I just frequently pass small amounts throughout the day. There are some great days when I pass one normal stool like I used to, but mostly it's two or three small movements. They often happen, if not always, when I get up in the morning or after meals. I don't experience pain with this on a daily basis, only with really loose stools or diarrhoea, but even sometimes that is painless. Does anyone else pass small amounts throughout the day.
Any advice or answers appreciated!

16-03-17, 13:58
I can do-it is not constant-but with IBS nothing is right?
I can have one Bowel movement then maybe several hours go again and it will be the smallest bit ever!
Or like you say go several times throughout the day.
Usually though I do just go once a day.

16-03-17, 15:09
That happens to me sometimes... My first movement is usually normal but if I have anymore they'll be thinner and smaller... its quite frightening. But I'm sure its nothing. I tell myself to only panic again if they are black or bloody. My doctor said dark red blood and black stools are a red flag that need examination.

16-03-17, 22:26
That happens to me especially when I'm really having bad anxiety. Usually it's in the morning I'll have 2 small bouts of diarrhea sometimes 3.